

  • I totally understand having a hard time with acceptance. It was easy for me to ignore what was in front of me...I have a husband that never complained, so the pressure didn't come from that direction. Regardless of how we got here, it is about walking towards the cliff with our eyes closed, for whatever reason; knowing it…
  • THat is all so AMAZING! Hats off to you all. For your first pound, for your hundredth....or your first DAY. I am loving what I am seeing. I can do this and I am actually ENJOYING (?!?!?!?!?) it! "whO wOulDda tHunK It??? Congrats everyone!
  • Howdy everyone! Sure looking forward to the little things in tying ones shoes without huffing and puffing...enjoying my reflection in the window (instead of "where did SHE come from and why is she following me???), not having to wedge my fandango into any more chairs (I KNOW the airlines shrunk the damn things…
  • I am really getting a kick out of the "exersise" part...I work out---I get to eat more! But what is happening, is, I work out, then I find that I am not as hungry and if I DO eat, I eat less! What a concept I have discovered! Yes, I have read that and I know that and it is simple mathmatics, calories in, vs. calories out.…
  • I have struggled with my weight...even when I didn't HAVE a weight problem. But, through my happy marriage, comfort, two children back-to-back (and quitting smoking when I discovered I WAS pregnant with my first) and a back/neck injury, I have steadily put on weight over the years. My husband NEVER said or did anything to…