Have been on MFP for a while now and only just started adding friends so I could always use a few more. I ain't gonna beg so add me if you wish.
Racquetball again. Getting sore from playing these guys who are 10yrs my junior. Should see the welts!
I know you said for at home and no machines, but when I sprained my ankle I was still able to go hard on the elliptical and stationary bike.
From one Sgt. to another.....Great Job!!!
Cut-throat racquetball!!
Thanks for turning me on to this. I am 37 and ya it says my fat loss amount should be just over 2300 calories. 1000 more than what I have been getting. Thanks for the help.
Thanks for all the responses. I definitely think I was starving myself, and then because of that on my cheat day I was eating everything in sight.
Diamonds = 115lb bench Hearts = 80lb lat pull down Spades= 20lb lateral shoulder raises Clubs = 25lb arm curls. No jokers so 85 reps each.
Just a typical weekend! Ha!
Yesturday my "day after" meal was 4 slices of buffalo chicken pizza, about 10 hot wings, and about 4 more beer.
My wife and I are very "active" and I still can't get enough. lol I quite regularly have to take matters into my own hands, so to speak. Definetly no complaints here.
57 minutes of Racquetball.
Ugh. Do not want to be at work TODAY!!!
Man, I HATE burpees!!
Today is: Diamonds = pushups Hearts = situps Spades = pull ups Clubs = lunges.
Deck of Cards Diamonds = pushups Hearts = situps Spades = pull ups Clubs = lunges.
This is me!
Going to be playing squash at 1130. Can't wait.
deck of cards work out. Diamonds = pushups Hearts = situps Spades = arm curls Clubs = shoulder press At the end was 105 reps of each!
Oh ya....what was that about the free love?
I'll be head of security and my wife is a hell of a medic. Plus we would make a great dent in the breweries!
I think there is nothing wrong with a little flirting or crush'in, even if you have a significant other, as long as its all in good fun.
Great work. Keep it up!
I personally always work through it. Avoid what hurts. Usually loosens me up actually.
Well tonight is not beers, it's Jack n coke!
Well tonight watching that show back fired....after a DQ mushroom melt with chili cheese fries :( Guess my cheat meal was Thursday instead of Sunday.
Sorry bout that.
Right on....Thanks!
I'm new to posting on the site. What does NSV mean?