Deck of Cards Workouts

Assign an exercise to each suit, flip the card and do the number of reps shown. Jokers = 20 reps of all four exercises.

eg. Queen of Aces is 10 reps (all face cards 10 reps)
Post what combinations of exercises you did for others to get different execise combo ideas.

Today mine is:
Diamonds = pushups
Hearts = situps
Spades = arm curls
Clubs = shoulder press


  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    We did that workout in Crossfit before, its pretty fun.

    Diamonds = squats
    Hearts = pullups
    Spades = sprinting 10m per #
    Clubs = kettlebell swings
  • schibs
    schibs Posts: 51 Member
    Today is:

    Diamonds = pushups
    Hearts = situps
    Spades = pull ups
    Clubs = lunges.
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Last time we did this with my boot camp class, it was

    * burpees
    * mountain climbers
    * kettlbell situps
    * triceps dips
    Jokers were run 10 laps (each lap is about 80m)

    Aces were 1, but Jack was 11, Queen was 12 and King was 13.

    (Hearts are always burpees because, "Everyone loves burpees!!!")
  • schibs
    schibs Posts: 51 Member
    Man, I HATE burpees!!
  • cheri0627
    cheri0627 Posts: 369 Member
    Man, I HATE burpees!!

    I don't know anyone who actually likes them. They're awful.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I've done this but with alcohol, games are fun. lol
  • schibs
    schibs Posts: 51 Member
    Diamonds = 115lb bench
    Hearts = 80lb lat pull down
    Spades= 20lb lateral shoulder raises
    Clubs = 25lb arm curls.

    No jokers so 85 reps each.