

  • I had a friend who was a weight lifter and he would get up 3x a night to eat to keep his metabilism up. he would eat a bowlI of mixed veggies, california mix. he would lose fat by eating more!
  • Are you cooling down properly at the end of your workout? I find if I do a 5-10 min cool down before stretching really helps to reduce the soreness.
  • Protein helps you keep your muscle mass up and as long as you arent sacrificing too many carbs for protein calories it is hard to overload on protein
  • Hey dont worry about it! it is good to shock your system with a surplus of calories as long as it is not a habit! It helps to keep your body from going into starvation mode and can actually HELP you lose weight!
  • Sounds to me like you are not getting enough calories so your body maybe headed towards "starvation mode". What is your goal and how many calories are you eating a day?
  • I like them quite abit! Ussually have it about once a week. I am a big fan of the red soup. One thing to watch is they are quite high in sodium (like pretty much all soups) at 650mg per serving