ruch69 Member


  • That is GOOD I will repeat it......JUST.......DON'T DO IT.....:noway: .....:noway: ..........:noway: I think planning the weekly menu will help. Take a little time to plan the weeks meals . It will make shopping easier...and the daily cooking a LOT easier........... All the best...I am sure you will do it..…
  • *Naughty foods* Chocolate...chocolate....chocolate Icecream Fried fish *Friendly foods* Chicken & veg stirfry Stirfry Tofu Grilled chicken Cheers !!!!!!!
  • Well.....I haveen't been a *baby* for a looooong time,:blushing: but August it is for me too !! 26th to be precise....So I have joined MFP a month ago & it's not been so bad. Have lost inches visibly, but :grumble: NO weight loss. :sad: A bit depressing, but I am feeling much better since I am eating am going…
  • I know everyone is different, but do you think it is really necessary to do this on a holiday? Just chill out & enjoy you time off !! Eat sensibly as I am sure you normally do & do try the local delicacies. That is normally the part I enjoy the most !! ( which is why I am on this forum !!! ). Anyways things are a little…
  • 15 pounds??!! Congrats !!! I think it's WONDERFUL of you to have done will be a month since I have joined mfp & started a sensible diet & NOT a pound less :mad: I am ready to :explode: But the inches have started dropping off & other women are commenting on it!!!:happy: So please do keep on doing whatever is…
  • Yes can....just remember........YOU CAN all the best !!!:wink:
    in KRISPY KREME Comment by ruch69 July 2010
  • Well.....I'm not a waitress, but own a restaurant with my I think I know what you are talking about ! My best guess would be to plan if you can find the time. Plan & pack....self made food beats the **** out of any other kind ! May be difficult initally, but I think it will help. All the best ! Keep Smiling…
  • aymetcalf........................thanks !:smile: !!
    in Hello !!! Comment by ruch69 July 2010