natsgirl60 Member


  • I have a similar situation. My husband (or kids) are thin and healthy and active and awesome all the way around. However, they don't have to think about how many calories they consume but I do. I have found that my girls 4 and 5 actually will eat the healthy stuff given the choice. So when I buy groceries I make sure they…
  • I have had 2 c/s. My first one was difficult to get back to normal, I was in a lot of pain until the 6-7 week mark. The second, I was back to normal within days...I breastfeed both my girls and I would recommend adding 500 to what you are taking in. Like some others have stated, drink plenty of water. I would not push too…
  • I deal with this as well, the only way that I can combat the eating is to get AWAY from the temptation. I will get up and get out of my kitchen, go for a slow relaxing walk or a fast invigorating one. Go play some softball with family. Anything that will keep me moving and relieve stress. Coming from a track and field…
  • The best thing is to set goals that you can reach. If you are so hungry that it hurts increase your calorie intake but make them count!! Veggies and protein. One thing that I found that helps me is I will not log my exercise until the end of the day. If I put those in I have an excuse to eat more (in my head). Go at it…
  • I do the same thing! I LOVE Chocolate, almost on a distrubing level. The only way that I can keep myself away during my cycle is not to have any in my home..also, when I get bored or have time to think about it, it is harder to resist so I find away to keep busy, organize a closet or lift weights or ANYTHING but watch TV!!…
  • I am always looking for friends as well, feel free to add me!
  • I agree with most on here. You will get jerks anywhere you go. The best way to avoid in my opinion has already been shared, build a friend list and ignore the meanies!!
  • first thing in the morning, after I pee, naked
  • Wow, you sound a lot like I feel!! I am 30's great husband fantasitc crazy kids hectic life sometimes I want to cry because I want to do too much and have run out of time. I really struggle sometimes to get back on the "wagon". I am almost never serious, and always sarcastic!! Add me if you like
  • I've been on for a while and I am now struggling for motivation. I am 32 ( in a week) and have 2 baby girls 2 and 4. I am also married to my high school sweetheart (married 11 together 16)!! I am from SC and would love to get and give feedback! Add me if you would like.