mckennamom Member


  • I drink tea most often when I want something other than water. I also like Crystal Lite (5 calories) they both hit that sweet spot when I'm tired of drinking water all day. For snacks I eat a lot of fruit. I like apples especially because they take some time to eat so it kills that "boredom eating" I also keep Sargento's…
  • I love the Jillian Michaels yoga video. It is quick, intense, low impact and fun,
  • I am a Chinese addict so I certainly feel your pain. The last time that I went to a buffet I ate a protein bar before we left and then avoided the carbs as much as possible. I got to enjoy a little of everything, but I wasn't really hungry going in and I wasn't wasting calories on rice when there were so many other…
  • I feel the same way that you do. I don't want to think of this as a diet and then end up gaining the weight back. It would be unrealistic to believe that I am not going to eat another girl scout cookie, bag of popcorn, or other snack. I try to eat healthy throughout the day, but I do treat myself a few times a week. I keep…
  • I tend to use my work out calories to earn a reasonable treat- a piece of chocolate, scoop of ice cream, 100-calorie pop corn. If you don't allow yourself to have those items once in a while I don't think that you can keep up with the weight loss. I have been using this site since June and it really is a life style change…
  • Your weekly net compares it to your goal. If you are 222 over for your weekly net calories that means that you have gone over your weekly calorie goal. I take it as the idea of balancing out good days and bad days. As long as I end up close to 0 difference at the end of the week, I should meet my goals. I hope that makes…
  • I kind of take the Weight Watchers approach that veggies are free. I try to watch the portion size if I'm eating something that is high in calories, but if I'm eating a ton of vegetables in a sitting I don't worry at all because the vitamins are great and they are so very low in calories.
  • I love my Wii Fit and the Plus version, but I get a much better workout with the Wii Active. You can still play a lot of "games" but they are all a lot more intense and it works you through a full circuit. I have used both the 6 week/30 day challenge and put together my own workouts and I always work up a sweat.
  • Just keep going. I had the same problem. With the holiday I gained back a few pounds and then couldn't get motivated to eat right again and work out. It just felt so good to eat anything I wanted again. Find some support at home. I had to tell my husband how frustrated I was and that I needed for him to keep me…
  • I agree with IcePrincess, check your measurements. Also, make sure that you weigh in at the same time every day. I notice a big difference if I weigh in in the afternoon. I try to only measure in once a week at the same time. (Before breakfast and after using the restroom) I have weighed in at night and then again the next…
  • It all depends on your intensity. I never count walking/running when it is a normal part of my day because I figure that is already accounted for when I picked my lifestyle. You would burn more, and work up a sweat, if you walked at a fast pace for an hour straight compared to an hour with small stops in between.
  • My husband and I started losing weight together over the summer and his rewards were things like a new pair of workout shorts, noise eliminating headphones with a radio, dinner out with a movie of his choice, and I think the last reward was a tool or something for his car.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water Stay on track with my calories Complete day 2 of the 30-day Shred
  • I just did day 1 today (Jan 2) but I would love to be part of the group.
  • Same boat here. My LO is 8 months old and I am below my pre-pregnancy weight, but I had gotten a bit heavy while trying to conceive because it was such a challenge. I want to set a good example for my daughter by snacking on healthy things and I want to make sure that I am stabilized at a healthy weight before we try for…
  • I am 5'6" and weighed about 110 in high school. My goal weight now is 120ish, but I will be happy when my muscles are toned and my clothes start to fit correctly, so I may stop sooner.