short term rewards

ralevin Posts: 131 Member
My wife suggested that I come up with some rewards for when I reach my goals: smaller rewards for short term goals, bigger for long term goals.
Not really sure what I should "reward myself with" - I'm only a couple of pounds shy of my first short term goal (which is a 15 pound weight loss). Ideas? If I were a woman, it would be easier: manicure, shopping spree, etc. etc. Okay, maybe some men are also motivated by that stuff (my grandfather gets manicures twice a month), but it's just not my thing. Any "traditionally" guy friendly ideas would be great.


  • mckennamom
    mckennamom Posts: 18 Member
    My husband and I started losing weight together over the summer and his rewards were things like a new pair of workout shorts, noise eliminating headphones with a radio, dinner out with a movie of his choice, and I think the last reward was a tool or something for his car.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I dont know what your into but maybe treat yourself to a day of doing your hobbies, maybe a night out with the guys etc.....idk sorry lol
  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    Are you a techy? New gadget you've been eying?

    Play video games? New game you've wanted?

    Play any sports and new need equipment? Like maybe a golfer would want a new club.

    Magazine subscription to maybe a mens health type magazine?

    Are you a reader? Maybe new books?

    As a woman myself, manicures aren't really my thing, but I love to read and photography is my hobby/passion - I've been eying the Nook Color and there are some new lenses and a new camera bag I'd love. I am also a techy and have been eyeballing a Wacom tablet - I do a lot of digital designing and would love to get my hands on one.

    Hope you can up with some ideas! Good luck! I think your wife has the right idea.
  • MelleyJ
    MelleyJ Posts: 198
    I reward myself for every week that I log my exercise and my food. That means I have to stay on track for the week. Even if I don't "lose" I am rewarding myself for the effort and staying on track.
    My rules for rewards... can't exceed $10. I buy myself something I have been wanting. My first reward was a book (in hardcover for my little library) that I have been wanting that's hard to find. I have a wish list on Amazon full of things I "want", like DVD's (that my hubby and I collect), books, etc.
    It's a great idea and it helps keep me motivated. I already want the second book in the series, so I am working hard at the Jillian Michaels DVD and logging every single crumb to stay on track and be able to reward myself. Good luck! You deserve it!
  • ralevin
    ralevin Posts: 131 Member
    Those are some good ideas. A bit about me: I have very little free time (especially now that I'm fitting in 45 minutes of exercise each day, added to the full time job, the part time grad-school and the work that goes along with it, and a 6 month old baby), so even though I love to read, a book just isn't all that motivating now because I have no time for it.
    No game systems
    We are pretty frugal, so a new gadget for each short term goal is a little unrealistic.
    Not trying to be difficult... just the reality.
    I like the idea of dinner out - I like to go out, the wife does not. I just worry about tying a food reward into a weight loss accomplishment.
  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    Ahhh....then maybe when you reach your short term goals, what about just an afternoon out with your wife? Don't make it food related, but maybe just go for a walk/window shopping/etc. You are very busy, so a reward could be that hour or so, that you just dedicate to staying connected with your family?

    Good luck with whatever you choose. I'd say since you are so busy and have a full plate, that the rewards will probably help go a long ways in keeping you motivated, or at least they would for me.
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    What about a few hours with your baby? Like a trip to the zoo or something? Its only a few hours, would probably be less than $25 and would include exercise! I dont know what kind of climate you are in though - its -25C here right now so that wouldnt work - but if you are somewhere warm it might be good?

    Or is there anything that you need for exercising? I just got these amazing ear buds that make working out way easier, and my hubby found them for like $15.
  • ralevin
    ralevin Posts: 131 Member
    I promise I'm not just trying to reject every idea people give me. :embarassed:
    We (Wifey and I) try to spend every possible moment we can with our daughter, so that wouldn't necessarily be out of the ordinary.
    The zoo is a great idea. It's not quite as cold here, but still around 20F - not particularly interested in having a baby outside for several hours, but the good news is - for when it warms up - chicago has a decent (okay, i don't have much to compare it to) FREE zoo.

    One thing I'd look into would be wireless headphones, so I can watch tv early in the morning while working out. In order to hear the TV with the squeaky elliptical machine, the tv has to be close to full blast. I wouldn't want the giant ear-muff looking headphones - can't imagine those keep cool while working out - but I haven't been able to find anything smaller AND wireless. I'm guessing they don't exist....
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