

  • I was diagnosed with Endometriosis back in May 2007 by having surgery to explore to find the pain source and confirm diagnosis. Removed a bunch, but not all. Was told it'd be nearly impossible to have kids. Pain was really bad, and was tired of being on meds for the pain. Went on a birth control to help eliminate my…
  • I sometimes do a 'baby' pb&j if the calories would make me over my limit. I'll just take a slice of Fiber One Multigrain Bread, cut that in half. Put 1 tsp of Jif Creamy Peanut Butter on it and 1 tsp of Nature's Promise Grape or Strawberry Fruit Spread. Then put the two sides together. It's half of a sandwich... but works…
  • I've been on here for about a week.... so far I've been pretty good on staying within my calorie limit... but I keep going over in my carbs and sodium, am on the fence with the fats, and tend to not use up my protein or fiber. :( I used to never pay attention to anything but calories. So I guess I have to re-learn about…