

  • 26 pounds lost so far in 10 weeks! :-) which was much more than I thought achievable in that time!! I started at 190 (now 164) and am 5ft 7. I've been pretty strict with diet but don't deprive myself either.. just have things in moderation! I have a high protein & high fat diet with fairly low carb (apart from when I go…
  • I just searched for a post on this to check others opinions - good to see it's not just me who thinks this! I find it inaccurate mainly because on the days where I exercise (but then I might eat back a lot of those calories with chocolate - putting me over sugar and fat) it will tell me that I'd weigh LESS than a day where…
  • Thank you everyone for your input - it's very much appreciated and is very interesting to see the differing opinions! KarenJanine you seem to have the same view point as I do, it shouldn't be about 'low this, low that, etc.' but about the entire product itself. Trouble is the demand for low-fat product has led to all of…
  • I would be really grateful to anyone who could fill out this questionnaire for me & help me with my dissertation! the questionnaire is about consumer use & opinions of nutrition labels, and health & nutrition claims made on food products. thank you!!…
  • I feel your pain! I have lost around 30 pounds and my thighs are still the same - possibly bigger.. but much stronger and more toned so can't complain :-) I do sometimes wonder though if all of my spinning / cross trainer / running is making them even bigger? Anyone have any info on this?
  • Very true, almost all of the middle aisles are filled with processed foods, I almost always avoid them now too! Another question.. Did anyone find it confusing at first when trying to eat healthy due to all of these so-called 'healthy' products? Or did you find it quite easy to read & understand the nutritional information…
  • Thank you everyone, some interesting responses here! It's interesting that cereal crops up a lot, yet it is portrayed as the standard breakfast for both kids and adults, and usually marketed as healthy. I wonder just how many others aren't fully aware of the amount of sugar and/or salt it can contain? I'm aware it can…
  • Thank you so much for the advice! Everything you have said is what I was thinking I should be doing - just wanted for other people to have a check too. I definitely plan to add weight days to my workout routine as I think just doing cardio isn't doing much. Yes my sugar being high this week is definitely down to it being…
  • Thank you for the advice! :-) I think I need to snack more often instead of waiting between meals.. any ideas on low-fat, low-sugar, high-protein snacks? I really need to switch to dark chocolate over milk! The only reason why I choose milk is because I can buy it in small quantities, I can only buy big bars of dark…
  • Oh yeah of course! Age: 22 Height: 5ft 7inch Weight: 175ish Goal weight: 150ish
  • Thank you all for your replies! It is really helpful knowing other people are having the same issue - I guess it is not a one size fits all formula :) I was feeling a bit out of breath while on the cross trainer but that's just how I exercise - just like some of you have said I don't feel like I'm working hard enough when…
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