

  • I am trying to figure out where I said either of those things. Someone said that you don't have to gain if you are overweight, and I said that is technically true, and pointed out that even though I was overweight, I gained what the Dr wanted. I said that it was correct that overweight people don't have to, but that I…
  • Goal weight is a problem for me. I lost so much with WW, and never got to goal. It was discouraging to say the least. Right now, i set my goal for like 10 lbs light than I am. Honestly, I think I would just be happy under 200.....which is a far cry from when I was gaining and hit 170-180. I swore I would never gain it…
  • This is true. Going slower will probably make it last longer. Getting pregnant threw a wrench it weight loss. I didn't really gain until my last trimester, when I just couldn't stop eating.
  • I just have to say.....people are being a lot more supportive these last couple of pages. This is how I remembered MFP.......
  • Thanks for this. I need a reminder sometime. I think that was the biggest problem with WW. I lost over 90 lbs in about 1 year. It was almost impossible to maintain. I lost 40 pounds over 2 years on MFP. I can't say if I would have gained it back or not if I didn't have a baby. I am still about 15 pounds lighter than my…
  • Thanks, because I am letting myself get way to worked up by that person.
  • That is true. The other poster, who knows nothing about me other than that I am fat and eating right and exercising and not losing weight (yes, because I need to eat less of the better- for- me foods), made statements about how much I care about my son. Did you care about your child less when you were heavy? Did you…
  • I apologize, but I think you read that totally wrong, or at least not as I intended. I was not trying to be critical of people who gain more in pregnancy. I was trying to make a point to the poster who basically said that fat people shouldn't gain pregnancy weight at all Typing sucks because people read tone of voice that…
  • I am actually ok with the harsh but true comments. I wish people might be a little kinder, but whatever. It is what it is. At least they were helpful. Some were just hurtful and not helpful at all. That is who I have the problem with.
  • Ok, Now I am officially offended by you. (and very angry-just saying that now since I am about to say some mean stuff). Did you actually read what I read? I eat healthy and exercise, but am not losing weight. I'm not gaining weight either. To basically say that I do not care about my son is a load of crap. SERIOUSLY, who…
  • Totally missed that before. I will check it out. One thing I noticed is that people latched on to my negative comment, but no one replied when I said I had lost 90+ lbs with WW 13 years ago or so. I gained that back plus some extra weight. I have the mind set of, "it doesn't matter anyway, because I will only gain it…
  • I see what you are saying. When I said I felt "fat and yucky," I meant that my clothes feel tight and stuff like that. Overall, my actual health is good. Being fairly healthy and feeling it are not the same thing though.
  • I felt there was a lot of negativity coming from a few posters. Most people had something to say about counting calories, and maybe even said it harshly, that is not who I was referring to. I was more bothered by the people who didn't add anything to the conversation but a sarcastic comment (because that is to helpful…
  • I meant continue exercising and eating right. Not that I didn't want to continue with life. :)
  • I am slightly offended that someone who actually imply that I don't care about my son. I am not just thinking of myself. If that was the case, I would be shoving myself full of nasty food all day long, and not exercising at all. One of the things I said in the start of this thread was that I am eating healthy and running,…
  • I guess I have a different idea of what nice and mean are. I think that some of the comments were unhelpful and unnecessary, and just mean. Some people just said it how it was, that is not who I was addressing that to. I was trying to direct that to a particular post, but didn't do the quote thing right. .
  • This can be true. Lucky for me, I gained the amount suggested for my weight. I didn't gain a ton like some people who gain 70 pounds while pregnant. I was actually pretty proud of that fact that I only gained what was considered an acceptable amount.
  • I'm not so fat that I am going to die anytime soon, but thanks for that assumption I guess. My cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar, etc are all extremely healthy.
  • I get the logging things, I really do. However, I ate a ton of low fat food to keep the calories low. I now know that low fat food is full of horrible crap. I want to avoid falling into the trap of low fat chemicals. It is disgusting what they have to do with food to make it low fat.
  • Thank you to those of you who had helpful things to say. I really just needed to express it. I lost 90+ pounds with WW about 12 years ago, and gained it back plus some. I guess that is when my mind set changed. After being so successful for so long, I got so discouraged that my whole mind set changed. I have a hard time…
  • I've been looking and haven't quite seen a twin: GW: 140-150 CW-244 SW-244 (253 at heaviest) HT-5'3" Age-33 Sex-female **Bonus-if you've lost a lot of weight before and gained it back (like me) and are worried about the same thing happening again...
  • I like to eat dry chocolate chex and cinnoman cereals (I mix them) or Reese's peanut butter cup cereal for a sweet fix
  • Hi-not sure if this was mentioned already, but I found that substitution worked best for me. Low fat ice cream instead of regular (put it in a small bowl and it feels like you're eating more), chex mix instead of chips, fiber one bars or brownies, Skinny Cow treats, fiber one and chocolate cookies..... This things might…
  • I am from G Rap. I just joined and am looking for friends in the area. :)