eye_am_ready Member


  • WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! THATS' WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT-- SELF CONTROL AND YOU DID IT... CONGRATS TOO YOU...:flowerforyou: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • PLEASE READ!!! TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING CAN KILL YOU... Liquid H2O is the sine qua non of life. Making up about 66 percent of the human body, water runs through the blood, inhabits the cells, and lurks in the spaces between. At every moment water escapes the body through sweat, urination, defecation or exhaled breath,…
  • Dancing is always good!!! which is something that me and my children do on a regular basis...good to hear you and your daughter are having fun...this off topic, but have you ever tried Leslie Sansone -- 5 mile walk, its a wonderful workout and does not leave you exhausted, this would be a great touch to finishing up your…
  • i think that you are doing way too much way to fast...you need to coax your body, into this "NEW TRANSITION" i am suffering from the headaches too, and usually thats a sign of too much caff or not anuff...pls take your time, the nuts may be a contributing factor to all of this as well...
  • i can't believe that u would give in!!! especially when you are almost half way to your goal weight loss...drink lots of liquids (o.j)...drink a cup of herbal tea or better or a fruit smoothie, please don't give in!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way i am sick along with my 3 yr old and 7 mth old and i am still going strong!!!!!!!!!
  • Hello, My name is Natasha, i am 25 yrs old with two boys 3yrs & 7mths, and i will be starting a career in the health feild...i am tired of trying on a top and just looking like a hot mess...dresses, skirts,sexy tops, well fitted jeans i am dying to wear them again...i have a 100 lbs to loose and i will!!! i am tired of…