ravenwcatz Member


  • I was lifting along with… everything else I did (I was a dancer) from March of 2019 until March of 2020. I’ve finally gotten to get back into the gym as of last month, and now I’m just impatiently waiting for my body to get the hint. 😂
  • 1) fit into these suede shorts I made last summer. They’re awesome... they just don’t zip. 2) fit into all these size 16 vintage sewing patterns I own. I’m a vintage 18 (38 bust, 30 waist) but most of my collection is 14/16s (easier to find than larger sizes). I can resize patterns, but it’s such a hassle and I’m lazy.
  • I benched the bar. (So strong!)
  • I have run 5ks before, but I don’t run a *ton*... but I recently started weight training and a few days ago had to sprint a little over a block with all my stuff to make the bus, and it was way easier than I remember running being. So... yay!
  • I’m 5’3”, 30ish (:p) My highest weight was 153(ish?) this past winter, lowest was 120, 10 years ago, when I revenge lost 25 pounds after breaking up with a dude who casually mentioned he thought I was getting fat. Over the last decade, I’ve bobbled between these numbers, usually setting around 140. I don’t hate my body,…
  • Keeping up with anything long-term is difficult for me. I’m clinically depressed, and those bad brain times tend to sneak up on me and lay me out. The longest I’ve been able to consistently track on MFP for a long time has been a month. I’ve been tracking for about 6 weeks this time. (Yay!)
  • More like “work in progress” here. 5’3”, HW 153, CW... fluctuating daily between 145.2-147.2. 10 years ago, I revenge lost a fifth of my body weight (from 142-120) because my ex casually mentioned that I looked fat. Since then, a bunch of life happened, as life tends to do, and so now I’m back on the horse, as it were. I…
  • Ate like total garbage last night and didn’t berate myself for it. Back on the wagon this morning.
  • I think you mean Huffle-BUFF. Way to go!
  • Five real, non-knee push ups. My head feels like it might explode when I do them, and they're still awful looking, but that's the most full push ups I've ever managed, so I'm looking forward to doing them again tomorrow (and the day after that, and the day after that, til they get easier...)
  • I weigh in daily (10am, when I'm consistently the lightest) and take measurements each Monday morning. This helps me balance out any stress I feel about the scale moving (or not).
  • My current goal is to stay motivated for longer than 30 consecutive days. I tend to be really successful for a month, and then decide I don't have the mental bandwidth for more, but this time I'm saying it to a bunch of strangers on the internet (you!) so I have to do it, right?
  • I would talk to your doctor about it, if your eating habits/exercise patterns haven't changed, but your weight is changing. Antidepressants like SSRI's can contribute to both weight-gain and weight loss, depending on how your depression (or other issues you're being treated with SSRI's for) manifests itself. For me, Zoloft…
  • I know, it's been like two years since you posted this, but you're like the hottest hottie to ever hot, so I just wanted to tell you that.
  • Holy heck, I actually made one of these! before during face by Raven Gemini, on Flickr The pic on the left was... March 31, according to my Instagram. I was probably about 148lbs. The one on the right was taken on June 10, and while I've only lost about 5-6 lbs (I'm sitting at about 142.6 right now), I've moved from being…
  • My boyfriend notices almost immediately, because, I don't know, he's crazy observant or something. But I also notice almost immediately, because my face thins out very quickly. (The first things to change are my face and my back, which is great, but also kind of frustrating. :P )
  • Put on my winter coat yesterday (boo, freezing Chicago spring), and found it was much less tight in certain places than it was in January.
  • If you're trying to say you're not hot in your 'after' picture... You totally are. If, on the other hand, you're saying you were ALWAYS hot... THAT'S THE SPIRIT!
  • Michael Emerson. I mean... all of my celebrity crushes would be considered odd, given the fact that I'm 28 and they're all about 60. But, I mean, if that's how you roll, that's how you roll. Michael Emerson, Tim Robbins, Mark Harmon... Alan Rickman and Richard Dean Anderson at various times... Yep.
  • I have a vintage 60's jumpsuit that I bought a few weeks ago, knowing that there was basically no way I was ever going to get the bottom half on in my present state (It's got a 26'' waist, and I've never had a 26'' waist in my life). Well... Today, I'm wearing a girdle and it still doesn't snap closed at the very top of…
  • 5'3, 38-32-39.5, hovering around 143 at present. My goal is a nebulous 120-125. When I was younger, I was dead-set on hitting 115, but I realized at some point that 123 is about where I start losing my boobs, and, well, I like my chest the way it is, thanks. :P
  • Did day 1 of 30DS yesterday... Not only can I still walk today, I made it through teaching my 2 burlesque classes, leading warm-ups and running group acts for our troupe rehearsal this evening. The last time I started 30DS, my knees and leg muscles hurt so bad, I spent two days in bed hopped up on pain meds. :P
  • Bafflingly, my back is the first place to visibly show weight loss. Like... it's great to not have those weird back wrinkles when I twist and all, but it's impossible for anyone but me to notice. Lucky me, the last time I lost a significant amount of weight, the chest was the last to go. That's actually how I decided to…
  • Ran 2.7 miles today. My previous best was 2.5. Baby steps.
  • I adore him. LOST, Person of Interest, and he just seems to be really intelligent and well-spoken.
  • I may be in the minority here, but... Michael Emerson. Also, Paul Landers (the guitarist from Rammstein)
  • Yes, from LOST. :P Because, at my best, I'm a quiet, unassuming little person who reads a lot and keeps to herself. And at worst, I'm an emotionally manipulative, compulsive-exaggerator with a power trip and a god complex. That's about as Ben as you can get.
  • Benjamin Linus. Judge away.
  • 5'3'' and 145. When I moved to Chicago 5 years ago, I was 120 on the nose, and I'd like to get back to that, I think.