

  • I'm in why not? 11/1- Arc trainer - 1 hour 11/3 Turbofire 60 - 1 hour 11/4/13- Arc trainer 1 hour- 21 hours to go.
  • I thought that way too. I joined a gym that caters the "no judgement" zone... but still I thought about it how I would feel yet I pushed those feelings aside and went to the gym. I thought to myself, "I am here for me and no one else". So I go to the gym in my workout clothes and could care less. If they want to look at my…
  • You need to move on. I was in a relationship for 6 1/2 years and I thought, "well maybe we will get married". We did the getting back together, having breaks, etc. In the end we finally broke up after cutting and ties. I am not saying its going to be easy but you have to do it. There is a reason why both of you broke up in…
  • it was $29.99 on Amazon.
  • This is what I used to figure out my daily calorie intake. I love it because I just put in numbers and it does the calculating for me.
  • Zumba 2 is so much better than Zumba 1 for Wii. I love Zumba 2 because it gives you a report at the end under the statistics tab. It will tell you how any calories burned, how your technique was and the time you worked out. It will also generate a daily, weekly and monthly report. I grew up dancing salsa and merengue so I…
  • I always love zumba..and when I saw that Zumba 2 came out I bought it. I went out and bought the first Zumba Wii game and I can say im not impressed. By far the best version is Zumba 2. I love that I can customize my playlist which is a BIG bonus for me. So keep it up because its a great workout!