Feel like an awkward moose at the gym?



  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    I used to be really self-conscious when I first started going to the gym back in May. I stuck only to what I already knew how to use and was afraid to try anything new for fear of looking like an idiot. Over time, though, I realized how few people in the gym were paying attention to what other people were doing. Literally as long as I didn't fall off of something nobody would be watching if I had to stop after a few minutes, lower the weight or speed on a machine, or something like that. The first time I used the arc trainer, I literally spent the whole time holding on for dear life and feeling like I was about to go flying off of it, but I stuck with it, and now it's one of my favorite cardio machines. I started to feel confident enough to try new things, and I watched what others were doing so that I could get a sense of proper form on some of the weight machines I'd never used.

    I think everybody feels like an awkward moose at some point. As others have said, maybe working with a trainer will help you to feel more confident. If that's not an option, start slowly. Say to yourself, "I'm going to try the elliptical machine for 5 minutes at the lowest setting just to see what it's like," or decide that you'll try one new strength training station or exercises. If you stick with it and don't try to do too much too quickly, you'll hopefully start to feel more confident.
  • Rawfoodsho
    I dont really like working out in front of people. So I got a gym membership at a 24/7 gym to where I could go anytime. Its almost always dead when I go in there or maybe 1 or 2 people on the treadmill. I agree with the awkward moose thing, like I feel normal using the treadmill or bike but when I try to do weighted squats in the weight area or any type of those exercises I see online I look goofy as hell. I use to have a gym membership somewhere else years ago and it never failed, I would get on the furthest treadmill by the wall and there could be 5 empty treadmills next to me and the next person to walk in has to get on the treadmill right next to me, then they start running full speed on like 7 while I am walking...lol..

    I also like that my gym is empty when I go because I can check out the machines I dont know how to use with out people looking at me. Idk when you are doing unflattering squats it sucks to have a tons of people around.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Lol THIS IS WHAT I'M AFRAID OF! I'm the awkward girl on all the bikes...

    You need to start asking "so what?" If you look unsure or awkward, so what? What is the worst that can happen to you?
    Does anyone point and laugh? If they do, so what?
    Do they tell you how to do something? Awesome! You got help!
    Do they take video and youtube it? Hey! You're famous! Smile!
    Do they ignore you and do their own thing? Probably.

    Remember. So what?
  • BossLadyDSimp
    BossLadyDSimp Posts: 257 Member
    I have felt like this before. I used to workout in an area of town where they treated the gym like a club! Reviews on Foursquare and Yelp called it "the hookup spot". There were a lot of strippers that worked out there. I left that gym and never turned back! Now I workout at my apartment gym.

    What I do at the gym is spot a person that is struggling more than I am and just focus on being more coordinated than them! It works for a while then I realize we are all here for a goal! There are some people that are in awe of you because they are worse off, or were at that stage in at one point in time and know how hard you are working.

    Just put on the best music mix you own and work it!

  • mikesgirl71
    mikesgirl71 Posts: 22 Member
    I feel like this too, but the more I go the better it gets. There are still some machines I don't know how to use, but I was taught how to do the basic ones, so I am sticking with those for now. Also, I still do go at a time when there are only a few people there, as someone already said.
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Eh, you're really cute... what's the problem here?

    If you're not comfortable with exercising that's one thing... but a moose? lol That's a ridiculous thing to worry about, especially in your case, you have no reason to. :drinker:

    The cure for feeling like a dumbass in the gym is picking up a book to learn about what you need to do. I would suggest New Rules of Lifting for Women, and you can buy it cheap as an eBook, or otherwise on Amazon.

    Really accessible, and you will thank me tremendously once you've read it.
  • saishyamk
    saishyamk Posts: 41 Member
    Whaaat?? I love the phoebe run!! That's adorable!!! Nothing to be embarrassed about... :flowerforyou:

    Some people are just born with an extra amount of cuteness.. You just have to deal with it!!! :bigsmile:
  • NyxButterfly
    NyxButterfly Posts: 88 Member
    I have something similar actually. When I go to a gym I feel like everyone's suddenly staring at me with disapproval thinking 'Why is this lazy girl here? Go back to your computer and let us REAL fitness fanatics work out in peace'. Even though none of this is happening AT ALL. I feel your pain.
  • mylasttime
    I thought that way too. I joined a gym that caters the "no judgement" zone... but still I thought about it how I would feel yet I pushed those feelings aside and went to the gym. I thought to myself, "I am here for me and no one else". So I go to the gym in my workout clothes and could care less. If they want to look at my stomach or butt or whatever than go for it because I am there for me and no one else. It takes a bit of pepping yourself up and having the attitude of , "I can do this!". Go to that gym and work out don't give away your money for free.
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    I had to ask some random girl how to use a couple of the squat machines. I felt a little like a doofus but got over it quickly and now am a pro at it. Just go for it!
  • davidwallaceasia
    It's hard sometimes, but you shouldn't let yourself get psyched over what other people might be thinking. If somebody's judging you in their head, just realize what it says about them. If they're going to be shallow enough to think critically of someone else and make snap judgements, they're not worth wasting a moment's thought about.

    When you're in the gym, get in a zone. It's all about you and your process. Pop in the earbuds, stay focused, work hard, and don't give two poos about what some superficial jerk thinks. And remember, nobody looks natural the first time they do anything; everybody has to have a first time doing something before they can have a second.

    Have fun!
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    Been there girly! Best thing is to get a training session, just to give you some great starting exercises. If that's too hard, try asking someone if your form looks good. If you're like me and can't make words with strangers, just go through and read the stickers on the machines. If you're lucky you'll have stickers that show good form, talk about use and show which muscles are being used. Hit the machines that use the most muscles first [leg press, chest press, seated row] and just find a weight that you can just barely do 10-12 reps on. Do that 3 times, then go from there.

    Once you're comfortable, look for videos on dumbbell and barbell form/exercises and read the forums, they have a TON of links if you search for them.

    REMEMBER! Everyone there is doing exactly what you are, is more than likely very nice and would help you at a moment's notice. Say hi and smile, you'll get everything you need.

  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    My first day at the gym was cut to about ten minutes! I felt so awkward and like everyone was staring at me, sick to my stomach and had to bail! Next time, I took headphones and it changed everything. Now I can just block everything out and RUN! (Today was the first time I could bring myself to run in public!) you can do it, just give yourself some time to get comfortable.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Umm I do feel kind of weird at the gym too. I lift weights and I'm really weak so I feel like everyone is judging me. But whatever.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    Look around when you're at the gym... There are very few 'fit' people. And besides everything is awkward at first. (ie parallel parking when someone is watching, conference calls when you realize the button you thought was mute isn't, most first adventures with booze, etc...) Stick with it and you'll be a natural in no time. It's easier if you bring a friend until you get comfortable.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    OP and anyone else who is scared: no one is watching you. Everyone is so focused on their own workout that I doubt they even notice you're there. Realizing that no one in the world cares about how silly you look is pretty liberating.
    ^ This.

    And I just want to add... I'm a treadmill people-watcher. I have YET to see an "awkward moose" at a gym. What have I seen?

    1) Determined, embarrassed women carry their hand weights up the stairs to exercise behind me on the mezzanine where men can't see them.
    2) Elderly men SPRINT at 7.5 on a treadmill for 90s
    3) A woman EASILY in her 3rd trimester pedaling at a leisurely pace on a stationary bike, thumbing through a magazine
    4) MASSIVE body builders jumping up like they've been GOOSED to remove 25lb plates they'd forgotten on machines for the elderly woman that wants to use the machine after them

    NEVER have I EVER seen ANYONE pointing and laughing. And that's about 3 years of running... an hour at a time... three to four times per week. And at three different gyms.
  • Rawfoodsho
    OP and anyone else who is scared: no one is watching you. Everyone is so focused on their own workout that I doubt they even notice you're there. Realizing that no one in the world cares about how silly you look is pretty liberating.
    ^ This.

    And I just want to add... I'm a treadmill people-watcher. I have YET to see an "awkward moose" at a gym. What have I seen?

    1) Determined, embarrassed women carry their hand weights up the stairs to exercise behind me on the mezzanine where men can't see them.
    2) Elderly men SPRINT at 7.5 on a treadmill for 90s
    3) A woman EASILY in her 3rd trimester pedaling at a leisurely pace on a stationary bike, thumbing through a magazine
    4) MASSIVE body builders jumping up like they've been GOOSED to remove 25lb plates they'd forgotten on machines for the elderly woman that wants to use the machine after them

    NEVER have I EVER seen ANYONE pointing and laughing. And that's about 3 years of running... an hour at a time... three to four times per week. And at three different gyms.

    How can you agree but then admit you watch people? I currently have a gym membership at a 24 hour gym so I go when its empty
  • NH_Norma
    NH_Norma Posts: 332 Member
    My "gym" is a bit smaller as it is at work, but I made a promise to someone else that I would go two time over a 2 week period and do SOMETHING for 20-30 minutes. The first time I got lucky and nobody was there. The second time a very fit man was running on the elliptical, 3 feet from the treadmill I was headed toward for my 30 minutes of wheezing. He gave me a wave as I passed and a wave as he left. Aside from that, we were both listening to our earbuds and doing our own thing. That was exactly what I needed to boost my confidence. Now, I don't care who is there but I always hope they aren't on the treadmill, lol
  • fultimers
    fultimers Posts: 153 Member
    Even though I have free access to a fitness center in my community with lots of weight machines that I didn't know how to use, I joined the gym at my college and go after classes. Most of the people working out are ripped guys anywhere from 18 to 25. Most of them don't pay much attention to me though I have made a couple of "Hi, how are ya" friends. A personal trainer is included in the price I pay each semester (though I do have to share him at times) so it's been a great experience to have someone helping me. He keeps track of the weights I did the previous time on each machine so I don't have to experiment.

    I did have a funny experience today though. Some of the weights that I'm able to do with my arms and shoulders are fairly heavy and my hands hurt and get red--and my rings gouge into my skin. My trainer offered to put them in his pocket today but I forgot to ask for them back! I called and asked them to put them in a safe place and I'll get them tomorrow.

    I wish there weren't so many mirrors in my gym. I don't like watching my "fluffy" body in the mirror or the grimaces on my face when I'm lifting heavier than usual. But, I know why they are there. Some of the guys are addicting to posing and flexing their muscles and watching themselves. It's really funny to watch how vain a couple of them are.

    I'm 63 and am by far the oldest person working out. A couple of the guys have said they are proud of me for working out 4 days a week. I just switched to doing two full-body workouts a week and will do 40 minutes of cardio the other two days. I'm on my 7th week and have only lost 3-4 pounds since I started despite staying on with my mfp goals every day. I think it must be because I'm building more muscle and retaining fluid I guess. However--here's a nsv: my pants are fitting looser and I'm getting closer to my goal of being able to do "girl-push-ups."

    I'm not sure what I will do during the Christmas break from around Dec 11 until third week of January though. My school gym is a 20 minute drive and I won't want to use the gas just to go work out. Maybe I'll go to my own fitness center down the street and try out those machines that I never had confidence to use before.

    Most important thing to remember: You paid for your membership--use it. Don't feel intimidated by all the young, ripped bods. They'll get old one these days too, lol! And as someone else mentioned, they are concentrating on their own workouts too much to worry about watching you.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Meh. Normal. I was super nervous to run my first time in public, especially since I was still obese at the time. But no one gave me a hard time, so I got over it.