asyrinsgirl Member


  • I had gastric sleeve fourteen months ago. High weight 356, surgery day weight 328, current weight 170. I still struggle with food addiction and using food as a coping mechanism. It is easier to stick with my plan than it was before surgery, definitely. I'm affected by what I eat a lot more now, and it's worth it to me to…
  • More protein isn't gonna hurt you. Watch out for the carb bombs at restaurants.
  • For me, I had to go cold turkey off of fast food. I did a Whole30 challenge several months ago, which is SUPER strict on what you can eat. I got my husband to do it with me, and a good friend. It was so much easier to stick to that plan when I had that accountability to my loved ones too. THEY weren't cheating, so I…
  • I've got a little over 100lbs left to lose. Would love some more supports friends in the same boat!
  • To Rainbowbow, I completely respect your opinion, but it doesn't work like that for some of us. I have PCOS, and even working my *kitten* off with a trainer, logging and eating plans with a nutritionist, and counseling, I lost all of 6 pounds in 8 months and couldnt get pregnant even on fertility. I chose the VSG because…
  • Go check out the forums at - There are a LOT of people there who are several years out from surgery, with all kinds of starting weights and starting health issues.
  • Leftover lunch: Crockpot pork tenderloin steamed spinach with lemon juice mashed red potatoes and cauliflower with garlic and greek yogurt Yum!
  • I love, love, love tossing veggies with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic and roasting them in the oven. My favorites to eat that way have been: Broccoli Cauliflower Sweet potatoes Carrots Asparagus Jicama Add in a little balsamic at the end and maybe some parmesan or any other herbs you fancy. It's delicious!!!
  • Hi! Your diary is closed, so it's tough to see what you've set for yourself, calorie-wise. That said, if you're just getting back into tracking calories, I think it wise to give yourself a few days to get acclimated to really paying attention to what you're eating. The first few days I would just track what you're eating…
  • I'd love to be involved if you still have spots open. Message me!
  • Thank you guys for all the tips! When I get like that I tend to stop paying attention to macros at all. The protein thing has really helped. What are your favorite protein powder brands?
  • Grabbed some instant oatmeal when I got to work. Too much getting ready to do this morning!
  • ^^ All of This. My goal is to be more active in my regular life, continuing with healthful eating and working out, but not feeling like I have to be vigilant about everything. I'll have an outfit that, when it gets too tight, I know I need to step things up a little.
  • This post makes me happy. You are awesome for posting it.
  • Were you on Diamox? I took that stuff a few years ago to manage PTC symptoms. Weirdest thing ever. I didn't drink soda for almost two years because it all tasted nasty and slightly metallic.
  • I used to be ADDICTED to that number on the scale. And it was great, because when I first started really TRYING to lose weight, that number was on a steep slide down. I was a cardio queen, and it showed. This time around, I'm stronger and in better shape to start out. That number? Not moving so quickly. After three months…
  • Sign me up!
  • This time around has been frustrating for me. When I started to really try to lose weight for the first time four years ago, I was losing 10-20 pounds a month at first, and not working as hard as I do now. This time around, I've had to relish in small "scale" victories. I noticed after three or four weeks that I was able…
  • My highest weight was 337, a little over four years ago. I knew I needed a change before I ever saw the scale, but I was shocked that I'd let myself get so heavy. I worked my *kitten* off in 2008-2009 and lost almost 80 pounds, down to 249. After that I got into a relationship, got engaged, got married, and through the…
  • Last night I could not stop eating. I think after it was all said and done, I consumed about twice my "goal" calories, maybe even a little more. I seriously contemplated making myself throw up because I was miserable and felt super guilty. Today has been better.
  • My hubs and I adopted this as one of "our songs" because on our first date (at a pool hall) it played on the jukebox no less than nine times in the two hours we were there. Makes me smile every time I hear it.
  • Definitely not just you. I lost 80 pounds a few years ago, and put about 50 back on. I've been working hard for the past two months getting back on track and am starting to see some progress. It's so hard to stay focused on the goal. Even when I love what I cook and I love my workouts, it's so EASY to just...stop. Blargh.
  • I met my husband for the first time on We went on a few dates and then kind of drifted. Some months later we were both single again (though we didn't know that about each other) and he "accidentally" ran into me at a bar. We've been together since then, and will have been married 1 year tomorrow!
  • I met mine for the first time on OkCupid, but we reconnected almost a year after that first meeting at a bar on karaoke night. :)
  • I met my now-husband on OkCupid for the first time a little over three years ago. He had a story in his profile that made me laugh so hard I peed myself a little. I read that story MULTIPLE times while we were dating because it just got funnier, and I finally got him to tell it to me in person. Anyway, since it's a long…
  • I had this problem for the longest time. I finally started losing from my boobs and now it doesn't bother me as much. I walked faster, like REALLY fast and it helped me drop more pounds and inches than just walking. Water aerobics - they're not just for old ladies. If you work your butt off during a class, it's a great…
  • I don't want to be the biggest person in the room anymore.
  • I don't know if it's been mentioned, but I love bento-style lunches. I'll pack veggies and hummus, tuna sandwiches, yogurt and fruit, all kinds of things. I think it's really fun to have lots of little portions of things, and it leaves room for snakcs throughout the day when things are arranged in little "pods."
  • I started four years ago at 340, and have been hovering around 300 for a couple of years. I got down to 250 in the first year, but got stuck in a yo-yo cycle a few years ago and have just hopped back on the wagon. I'm ready to go!