

  • Kim QLD Australia SW 81kg - 178lbs CW 63kg - 138lbs GW 50kg - 110lbs Well done everyone on what you have all achieved so far.
  • 5'1 here & I am aiming for between 110 - 115. Started at 178lbs 6 months ago & am currently 138lbs, seems like I have been there for ages, what with Christmas & b'days over the last month. Hopefully I can get back on track now they are all over with for a while.
  • Too stop feeling like crap, I looked & felt terrible & it was just getting worse over the last 10yrs. The final straw was when I started questioning how my hubby felt about me, I still do but I am getting better. I want my prebaby body back for the both of us.
    in Why? Comment by Carnelian78 January 2012
  • Awesome work - You look so much younger in the 1st Jan pic. Keep it up. I also started in mid 2011 but have only lost 40lbs.
  • Pretty close here GW 110 CW 138 (started 6 months ago but joined here about a week ago) SW 178 H 5'1 Age 33 Female
  • Starting weight was approx 80kg Current weight is approx 62kg Goal weight is about 52kg After 4 kids it will be the lightest I would have been since my last pregnancy 10yrs ago. Fingers crossed for everyone.
  • Hi from another Aussie Mum. I have 4 kids & would love to get my old body back also. I have lost 17kg in the last 6months & hoping to loose another 12-14kg. Love the atmosphere here on MFP, everyone is so encouraging.
  • Another Aussie here, from country QLD. Only joined a couple of days ago so still getting the hang of things but it does seem sooooo easy. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • After loosing 17kg in 6months I am hoping to loose approx another 12kg (approx 28lbs) in the 1st 6 months of 2012. As well as loosing the flab I want to start some strength training & gain some muscle & tone & tighten up. Finger crossed we all succeed with our goals.
  • Hubby & I go for our last brisk walk at about 10pm. I thoroughly enough the late night walk, so relaxing & I think I am actually sleeping better because of it. I also like to think I am helping moving the evening meal down, not sure if this is true or not though, lol.
  • WOW...Just checked our monthly distance after never giving it much thought & we are walking roughly 300km a month (180-190 miles). I really does add up.
  • Thanks heaps. Is there a link or something to explain what the C25k thing is? I have seen people mention it but I don't know what it is. After loosing the weight I am looking at starting some resistance training to gain more muscle & tone up, really need it after 4 kids. 2 weeks to go until we get our home gym thingy, lol.
  • Hi, newbie here. I have been brisk walking (4-5km per hr) 2-3 times a day everyday for the last 6months, with a few exceptions like when I have very deep blisters, time ranges from about 60 - 120 min each day. I have to date lost 17kg, hoping for another 14ish. Yesterdays effort was 90mins total.
  • Me too, new here & feeling a little lost.