CarolynRoe930 Member


  • Thanks everybody! I'm thinking I could maybe use some new shoes. I bought mine at a local running shop a year or two ago, but maybe it's time for new ones. I've tried stretching, and I am working up gradually. I'm hoping the running shop will have some ideas! :)
  • I like Target's workout clothes! The Champion stuff is reasonably priced, and great quality! Check out the clearance racks too... there's usually Champion stuff on clearance! :)
  • It's a GREAT program! I did the Classic, and absolutely loved it. I'm not going to lie... it's hard at first. You will be sore. But keep putting the dvds in. Don't worry about doing as much as the people in the video are doing, just do as many reps as your body can handle. But push yourself. You'll be amazed at how quickly…
  • I wear my HRM when I do it, so I entered a cardio option for myself and just enter my calories burned. :)
  • I haven't ever done the Special K Challenge, but I eat it EVERY morning for breakfast and I am not sick of it yet. The fruit and yogurt one is my favorite! :wink:
  • I agree! That casserole sounds SO good! I was looking for something to make for dinner tonight... and that might be it! :) Created by - Calorie Counter
  • I just recently joined the site, and I really like it! I hope to develop a new, healthier lifestyle while on here! :)