Getting P90X

My friend has all the P90X videos and he's not using them anymore (gave up on it) and so they will soon be at my house :D

I've never done anything like this program. I'm 6 months in and I do plenty of cardio (I think) but this is a whole new ball of wax. I currently use my elliptical machine for about 40 min 5 days a week at about 5.0MPH.

What are some beginner tips for starting P90X? Mistakes to try and avoid or tips you wish someone had told you?

How long should I reasonably expect for it to take me the first time through? Since I assume that 90 days isn't an option for someone who's never done something like this before.

I think I have to break down and buy a HRM too! Of course I need new sports bras because mine don't fit well anymore. Almost 6 months in and ALMOST to 50lbs lost I'm ready for a new challenge!!


  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    My tip would be don't try to do it as long or as many reps as they do in the videos. You can work up to what they do


    First week of Core Synergetics, I could only do 30% of the push ups they did
    Second week: 70% ...

    I'm working up to 100% so dont feel pressure to overstrain yourself and just work up to it... last week I was using 2.5 lb weights, this week 5 etc ...

    you'll love it. I'm doing the Lean schedule and I like it, I'll do classic on round 2
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Since I don't have them yet I'm hoping my friend has all the info with them not just the DVDs themselves so I can figure out the Lean schedule.

    I think I'd like to look into the lean order most. I'd like to tone (especially my middle) but I'm a girl so I mostly want to be lean and smooth ;) I totally WANT to build some muscle too of course.

    How many days a week do you do it?
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    modify, modify, modify...and don't sell yourself short. I did my first round two years ago and was ridiculously out of shape, but I got my fat but moving every day and 90 days later I was 20+ pounds lighter and could do LOTS of push ups on my toes.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Since I don't have them yet I'm hoping my friend has all the info with them not just the DVDs themselves so I can figure out the Lean schedule.

    I think I'd like to look into the lean order most. I'd like to tone (especially my middle) but I'm a girl so I mostly want to be lean and smooth ;) I totally WANT to build some muscle too of course.

    How many days a week do you do it?

    It's a 6 day/week schedule. If you really want to get great results, work both the fitness and nutrition aspects of the program. If you're at all intimidated by the program, I would follow the "Lean" rotation of DVDs as it's more P90X-Lite and a bit more user friendly than the class rotation.
  • CarolynRoe930
    CarolynRoe930 Posts: 10 Member
    It's a GREAT program! I did the Classic, and absolutely loved it. I'm not going to lie... it's hard at first. You will be sore. But keep putting the dvds in. Don't worry about doing as much as the people in the video are doing, just do as many reps as your body can handle. But push yourself. You'll be amazed at how quickly you get stronger.

    As far as doing Lean VS Classic - neither will make you bulk up. Women don't bulk up like men, so don't worry about that.

    You can do it! :)
  • ssaemblog
    Like Tony says in the DVDs, if you need breaks, TAKE. THEM. I don't do the p90x program like everyone else does, aha. I just use it for working out. I don't do the diet and I don't do DVDs in order as everyone else, blah blah blah. Just use them as a normal workout *lol does this even make sense*. And try not to get annoyed by the yoga part in the cardio DVD like I do. xD
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Just do your best and keep at it. You won't be able to do all the reps they do. And that is ok! Just so you push yourself, you will sooner or later. I am only in week 2 day 4. I love this system! And I've never been at workout dvd person
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I'm probably more scared to try this than I was to FINALLY get off my butt and do anything and eat better LOL.

    The time commitment is intimidating for me since I'm a wife, mom to a 4 year old son and a full time nursing student but I NEED to do this and I really WANT to (and I used to hate exercising lol).

    Should I assume I'll be unable to walk the second day? LOL my instructors will get a kick out it I'm sure ;)
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Since I don't have them yet I'm hoping my friend has all the info with them not just the DVDs themselves so I can figure out the Lean schedule.

    I think I'd like to look into the lean order most. I'd like to tone (especially my middle) but I'm a girl so I mostly want to be lean and smooth ;) I totally WANT to build some muscle too of course.

    How many days a week do you do it?

    Can you see this link? I'm logged in there so not sure if you need a log in. I can email it to you if you need. Just PM me you're email ...I do it as the schedule says, 6 days a week when I get home from work, and I'm done by 7 pm.

    Tuesdays are my off days (I have Hula Hoop Class that night) It' not bad, it's not 'too much' but I was working out over an hour everyday anyways. Tonight is Cardio X and it's 44 minutes! :) Just yoga is the longest, but it's good to do
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I'm probably more scared to try this than I was to FINALLY get off my butt and do anything and eat better LOL.

    The time commitment is intimidating for me since I'm a wife, mom to a 4 year old son and a full time nursing student but I NEED to do this and I really WANT to (and I used to hate exercising lol).

    Should I assume I'll be unable to walk the second day? LOL my instructors will get a kick out it I'm sure ;)

    WAsn't until Legs and Back DVD Day that I had troubles walking the next day. Man you can feel it in your butt for real!
  • andre149
    andre149 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I'm probably more scared to try this than I was to FINALLY get off my butt and do anything and eat better LOL.

    The time commitment is intimidating for me since I'm a wife, mom to a 4 year old son and a full time nursing student but I NEED to do this and I really WANT to (and I used to hate exercising lol).

    Should I assume I'll be unable to walk the second day? LOL my instructors will get a kick out it I'm sure ;)

    The first day is arms, so you just won't be able to lift anything or move your arms much :) I did the classic, and modified pretty much all the workouts to what I needed (less reps, modified yoga moves, etc). I just aimed for constant improvement, and I got it.