ameyls Member


  • I usually choose something quick that I can throw together in 1-2 minutes. One is Magical Breakfast Cream from the French Women Don't Get Fat book. Take 1/2 C plain greek yogurt, add 1tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp honey plus two tablespoons each crushed bran cereal and crushed nuts. (I usually make a big container of the…
  • Wow. OP here. I don't know why I never checked up on this thread more than a week after I posted it, but I just did, and I'm frankly a bit alarmed at the direction the discussion went. So much vitriol, so much hate, so many rude exchanges (I know--welcome to teh internets, right?). In the spirit of open dialogue, here's my…
  • Thanks for another detailed response! I've been over to Scooby's website before, but not in a while. I will check it out again and use his calculator to come up with a nutrition plan. Thanks again--this exchange has really boosted me up for the coming week!
  • Wow, ambermglover! Your pics show amazing progress! Thanks so much for posting them. I feel inspired now to push on for at least four more weeks. I will do a better job with logging my food, too. Were you eating at maintenance, deficit or surplus during the time that your pics chronicle? And were you following any…
  • OP here. That's a good point about using photos to measure progress. Frankly, I'm afraid to take photos at this point because I'm worried that it will crush my enthusiasm if I don't like what I see! That's a "me" problem, though, not a problem with the program. I need to just suck it up and take some pictures. I can always…
  • Oh my god--you look AMAZING!! And like 10 years younger, too! I love your hair and your glasses. Congratulations on your hard work and success!!!!
  • That was one of the most eloquent and inspiring posts I've read in a long time. I'm proud to know you, even anonymously. Keep up the courageous work.
  • I've always been about 10-15 pounds overweight; but in my early 30s, I put on an additional 20 pounds. I had always considered myself to be thick and curvy, but that extra 20 pounds put me over the edge to pudgy and flabby. Then one night, about two years ago, I was looking in a full length mirror, and I thought, "I hate…