Hi, everyone New to the board here. I decided that, for the New Year, I would do 30 days of 80/10/10. I've been mostly raw for about a year and a half now, but I've lost my passion for it, so I'm hoping this will help. So far, I'm doing okay. I'm definitely not hungry. If anything, I find it nearly impossible to eat enough…
Hi, everyone ~ I'm feeling super frustrated by how MFD calculates sugar intake. I love to eat fresh fruit--not TONS of it, but I generally have a serving of fruit with breakfast, one for a snack, and then one with dinner or as a dessert. Without fail, I end up going over my sugar allotment every day. However, if I ate…
Hi, everyone ~ I'm two weeks into Starting Strength and feel like I just want to quit. I've done olympic lifting for several years as part of an overall fitness program, but this is the first time I've just focused on lifting to the exclusion of everything else. My goals are to get stronger and leaner, with a focus on…