jbailey14 Member


  • I grew up in Western, KY. Mayfield to be exact! I live in Louisville, KY now, but I want to move as soon as I can. I can't wait to travel the world! But I want to be able to fit on subways before I go. :laugh:
  • I have recommitted to my weight loss, and hope to lose 100 pounds this year. Over the past four years I have dropped a little over 100 pounds, but have currently managed to gain 50 of them back. At my heaviest I weighed 369. At my lowest point in my weight loss journey I reached 262. I am currently at 304. I have lost 7…
  • That was so incredibly motivating to see! Congratulations and good luck on attaining your goal!
  • Hi! I'm 29 years old as well and my goal is to be out of plus sizes by my 30th birthday. I would like to lose about 100 pounds (possibly more, but we'll see). I have already lost 7 pounds using MFP. I love it here! Feel free to add me as a friend. I would love more people to talk to about healthy cooking. I've recently…
  • I look forward to talking with you all! 2012 is the year for goals. We can do this! Thanks for all the friend requests. Good luck, everyone!
  • I recently joined the site as well. I'm pretty new to posting on message boards as well, so be sure to cut me some slack! I didn't even realize MFP had message boards. I would love to get more involved with people on here. The more support we each have, the better! A little about me... I'm 29 and would like to be out of…