farrell16 Member


  • You are forgetting about lactose/Galactose found in dairy products. That is an example where natural sugar is in combination with higher fats as opposed to fibre to slow digestion.
  • Lol what precisely do you think protein shakes are made of. They are food... whey for example is just like the nursery rhyme.. little miss muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey! Whey is as much food as cheese is. whey is the material that is too low in fat to solidify when they make cheese. By all mean eat as…
  • As many of the above posters mentioned 3 weeks isn't exactly a long enough period for you to worry and get off track, as long as you are doing the right things do not worry the fat will eventually come off. Its easy to forget that it often takes years to gain the weight, so its not really reasonable to expect it to come…
  • I'm a fan of 2 eggs and a fruit side... usually an apple
  • That is certainly fair enough. That element has never been in doubt in my mind... no pill no drink no supplement does anything on their own. The key results will always come from your diet and exercise... and I'm all for promoting that fact for sure. But just find it so strange how the boards will lash out against products…
  • In your defense Pizza and Ice cream are pretty delicious :)
  • Lol you do realize that yes of course exercise and calorie deficit are key... they are called supplements because they "Supplement" what you are doing. Of course if you took the best proven diet product in the world but ate big macs on the couch you won't lose weight. This is The government they have no hidden motive to…
  • Well not sure how the US is but in Canada GNC are strickly regulated by the Natural Health Product Directorate of Canada. I generally find them actually to be among the better supplements. Transparency in labels, no hidden proprietary blends... plus they are too big to mess around with that stuff. I trust their products…
  • I've posted this before but it is applicable here as well: The above posts nailed it. There is no way for you to tell your body where to take fat from... genetically we all are predisposed to utilizing certain fat stores ahead of others. The abdominal area itself tends to be the alamo for body fat to hold up in to the…
  • The above posts nailed it. There is no way for you to tell your body where to take fat from... genetically we all are predisposed to utilizing certain fat stores ahead of others. The abdominal area itself tends to be the alamo for body fat to hold up in to the bitter end unfortunately. But as they have said above, as long…
  • It does indeed help but the dose level states you need to get at least 136 mg of EGCG and at least 75 mg of caffeine minimum. Standard cup of green tea if steeped for reasonable period of time can contain up to 71 mg EGCG and between 35 and 75mg of caffiene, so technically 2 cups should provide some assistance. Its not…
  • The studies referenced are the ones that are actually approved and vetted by the government of Canada, not a website. I believe the government's database of approved monographed ingredients would certainly be deemed non biased. Although I certainly like what Examine.com does it should be noted even there own website notes…
  • Green tea and CLA are among the most studied and proven weight management supplements. a 500mg Green tea extract (which also provides the caffeine) and a straight CLA pill 1000mg x 3. Here are a couple of the actual published studies in case you want to do your own research: CLA* Gaullier JM, Halse J, Hoye K, Kristiansen…
  • I've tried a similar recipe to this but with broccoli and it was to make a dough free pizza but it was pretty good, would also work as a bread substitute if trying to avoid all the refined carbs. Cauliflower Bread Recipe ½ large cauliflower head, roughly chopped 4 large eggs 6 tablespoons coconut flour 2 tablespoons garlic…
  • From a sweetness profile aspartame has the closest flavour arc to standard sugar but that being said I'm not a fan of aspartame in the diet in general. Stevia is a healthier option but you are right it is subject to a bit of a weird aftertaste. A neat little study can be found here:…
  • That is way too low... anything south of 1400 calories is not healthy for you long term. In fact I have previously seen the MyFitnessPal moderators flag and close threads where calories that low are suggested as it violates one of there terms and conditions I believe (Not that you are suggesting it, you are actually…
  • Green tea is one of the most studied weight management products, its tied to the specific amount of EGCG and caffeine content though. But even Health Canada's department that regulates health claims allows a weight management claim for green tea based on the variety of clinical data available. Obviously negative calorie is…
  • I'm never a proponent of skipping any "meal" but it does depend on you. The bottom line is the best approach is not to ever let yourself get super hungry or super full. When you don't eat for long periods of time and get yourself really really hungry it is very hard not to then cave to over eating. Just remember when…
  • Yes unfortunately there is no way to tell your body where to remove fat from. Your body simply uses up the fat stores how it is genetically inclined to do so, we can't really control where that fat loss occurs. Usually the abdominal area is the last stand for body fat, consider it the alamo where fat hides out till the…
  • Great work!!! You should be very proud, 100% concur that losing inches is not only as good as weight loss but better. Body Fat % is a much better gauge of overall health and progress than the scale alone so if you are losing inches but not weight I would wager you have simply shifted that Body Fat % in the right direction.…
  • Yes that is far too little for calorie intake and is not safe.
  • By the sounds of things you are doing amazing! I put a lot more emphasis on decreased body fat and decreased inches over the scale any day of the week. The scale can be quite misleading and really isn't a true gauge of your fitness alone.,.. its is one piece of the puzzle sure but not the be all. So if your body fat is…
  • "Starvation mode" is kind of a fad term.... there is no chance you can gain weight while calorie deficit that is simply not possible... its like trying to build a bigger house with fewer bricks lol. That being said going too low calorie is not healthy for you, low calorie intake is also often related to lower amounts of…
  • Cafe Racer beat me to it... I recently received the Withings Body scale as well and its been great... plus it can sync with the Myfitness pal app so your data is auto updated.
  • Thank you Kimny72, glad to hear there are some good helpful people in the community as well. I haven't posted much until the last couple of weeks and you are correct it does seem like it can get quite heated. Although the people responding to my original post have been completely fine, different points of view but to each…
  • Lol fair enough... but a pound of fat and a pound of muscle will still weigh the same on the moon. But one weighed on the moon and one weighed on Earth would vary haha. But I'm glad we can agree it is tied to the force of an object caused by gravity. So I'll add that Caveat a pound of muscle and a pound of fat will both…
  • Please elaborate, as the definition of a pound(mass) is consistent. If we can all agree that a pound in the sense of a weight measurement is a measure of the force an object caused by a gravitational field. Then regardless of the object being weighed, a pound is a pound. Please provide any link or evidence to help explain…
  • Whoa I'm just getting into this community board at there certainly is a lot of people posting in a very negative tone. We are all here to help each other just remember... its not a fight against others but a community. Thank you for the kind words donjtomasco. To clarify weight and volume are two completely different…
  • I fully agree with you although the gadgets likely do assist some people, the fitbits and shealths of the world give people little ribbons and tokens as rewards, makes them feel good and in some cases probably motivates some to continue to keep up their streaks etc. Like video game mentality, just wanna reach the next…
  • Those machines at best are an approximate. Truth be told no real method is fool proof as there is just no way to factor in details about your Basal metabolic rate... genetics play a roll, gender, age, among other things. Nothing will accurately factor in all the details but take what ever figures the machine tells you will…
    in Gym ? Comment by farrell16 January 2017