TeeJay2512 Member


  • Hi everyone! Hope its ok to join the thread - started C25K yesterday so am a complete newbie!! Feeling good and positive about the program!
  • Well just finished Day 1 Level 1 and boy do I know I've done a workout!!! Feel pretty good about it though - roll on tomorrow!!!
  • I'm from Ashford originally but live in Manchester now - I'm regularly down in Kent visiting family!! :)
  • Feel free to add me - I started in January and had a few family problems and stopping logging on - regained a bit of weight! I feel back on track now and determined to shift the excess weight now! Hopefully we can keep each other on track!
  • Hey - like you Amanda I've been here before and just started to log back in again. I really want to shift my additional weight I gained after the birth of my son, who is 17 months now! I also have 2 daughters who are 13 and 12. Feel free to add me and hopefully we can keep each other on track this time round! T x
  • Starting today - quite looking forward to it actually - is that strange?? Anyway I cant workout until later tonight as I'm working so will do my measurements later and let you all know how I get on!!! :)
  • I'm in - starting 1st June - have tried 30DS before but didnt get past day 10 lol! feel a bit more motivated this time and I hope you all help to keep me that way!!!
  • Thanks everyone! You have all made me feel very welcome. I'm doing well up to now and staying motivated - so lets hope it lasts!!! Am gonna have a go at Zumba tonight on the XBox Kinect - has anyone tried it?
    in Hello Comment by TeeJay2512 January 2012