southernyogini Member


  • I am starting next week.
  • I find that running outside is easier for me; mentally! Also, my treadmill is in the garage so it is hot as heck so I am still getting acclimated to the heat. But hills, trails, elevation that is a whole other story.
  • There is some impressive mileage in here! I am still doing the C25k and walking on days I am not doing the program. I am up to 10.79 miles this month: 7/1- 1.5 7/3- 1.6 7/4- 3.25 7/5- 1.6 7/6- 1.26 7/8- 1.58
  • I just upgraded from the flex to the HR. I am loving it! If I stick with walk/jogging/running I will ask for the surge for Christmas. Let me know your thoughts on the surge!! Add me!
  • Amazon has a really good price on the cork blocks; which I suggest over the foam ones for sure!
  • 9.25 done so far this month. I need to rest today. Yoga it is!
  • Checking in! I just started couch to 5k. And walking on non-run days. I have 30 more pounds to go. Down 25 since January! 6.39 miles 1.5 july 1 1.6 july 3 3.25 july 4 I use a fitbithr and Nike plus app
  • Thank you for the feedback!!
  • Newnan, GA
  • Hi! I am Flo and I live in a rural area outside of Atlanta. I am an avid yoga person (certified teacher). But really want to increase my well being by losing some weight (already down over 25lbs) and increase my endurance. I did a few 5ks over the last 2 years but haven't been consistent. I joined the July challenge to…
  • JUST getting back into walking/jogging/running so I will go for 25!
  • I am just getting back into walking/running. I am an avid Yoga person. I walked 3.4 miles yesterday and feel amazing. I wanted to go out for a quick 1.5 mile walk/jog after work but was worried doing it back to back would be too much. But your post is inspiring me. I just walked the 3.4 miles yesterday and didn't over do…
  • I practice at home 5-6 days a week; Ashtanga primary series and try to get the studio 1-2 days a week for mysore/self practice. I really love the primary series sequence. :)
  • Good morning! Happy this board is here! :) I am a yoga student and I also teach a few times a week. Considering I live 1 hour from any studio or teacher I have to rely on a home practice. I like Ashtanga yoga; as the primary series has everything for a very powerful practice. I used to practice it daily from 2007-2009 and…
  • I aim to do yoga daily. A minimum of 30 minutes and I aim for 60-90 if possible. That is the goal this week. I practice "Ashtanga" yoga which is pretty athletic. Asana are the postures and yoga is just a philosophy. There are Eight limbs to yoga according to Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras (I am a teacher as well and did a…
  • Yes. I personally have seen it happen in the past. When I had a 6 day a week Ashtanga yoga practice (power yoga/vinyasa) and ate moderately and not after 8pm I lost over 15 pounds. Over the last 1.5 years I moved away from my practice and the pounds came back (lack of exercise and poor eating). So I am slowly adding onto…
  • I would suggest turning the palms out slightly to reduce direct pressure. Also placing a towel under your palms help; if you have very sweaty palms and not a grippy mat your palms are striving to grip the mat and overuses muscles. Also, it takes time to strengthen the wrists. When I first started yoga in 2005 I couldn't…
  • Yoga instructor here- and everyone said the right thing. With Childs pose it is lengthening the spine rather than rounding forward (that would be more like "Rabbit" pose). But Childs pose with knees really wide and arms stretched out in front will lengthen the spine and create space. Good Luck!
  • I love Ashtanga. I practiced it for several years and was in the best shape of my life then. Lately I've been doing hatha and other forms but just decided to go back to a daily practice. :)
  • I am going to start on Sunday too. I just got the DVD. :)
  • Hello! Vegetarian for 7 years; recently went back vegan.
  • "This too shall pass"- My teacher while holding navasana for a looong count. "Trust"- My teacher throughout our entire teacher training program "Don't worry if you can't ________ (bind, stand on your head, etc..) - It doesn't make you more enlightened - Me "Life is Difficult, Suffering is Optional" - Buddha "Don’t do yoga…
  • Yes I believe you can loose weight with yoga.If its the right kind of yoga. When I practiced Ashtanga yoga 3 days a week I saw a drop in my weight but how I felt was even better. Once I began practicing 6 days a week I saw a huge difference and was in the best shape of my life. I had fallen off of ashtanga yoga for some…
  • There is a good website: Megan Garcia is also pretty popular: There are a few DVDs that I haven't personally seen but the reviews are okay:…
  • I love Kino! Her you tube channel: I have her DVD for Ashtanga primary series and it is great. I also like for days when I want a vinyasa practice or shorter practice.
  • Yes you can. I believe you can loose weight with the right kind of yoga. When I practiced Ashtanga yoga 3 days a week I saw a drop in my weight but how I felt was even better. Once I began practicing 6 days a week I saw a huge different and was in the best shape of my life. I had fallen off of ashtanga yoga for some time.…
  • I survived. Last week I had to walk the last 2 "runs". Today I was able to do all 8. So I am slowly improving. My allergies weren't too thrilled with it though. Tuesday might be better!
  • I restarted today! I am going to run Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is what will work best with my schedule. I am just NOT a runner. I am hopeful though!