

  • I buy the sugar free Jello cups at the grocery store because they're a perfect carb free snack while I'm at work. I don't eat them every day or anything but I've still had great results on this diet even when I eat them. I think the major problem with artificial sweeteners is that they trick your brain into craving more…
  • I've been on the Dukan diet since May 28th and I'm down 30 lbs. I did notice though that when my monthly visitor comes the scale doesn't want to budge. I continue to drink lots of water and on the first 2 days that my little friend arrives I do pure protein days because those are the days I feel most bloated. The scale…
  • I love this diet because it's the only one I've ever been able to stick to as well!! Remember to drink LOTS of water on this diet though. You really need to drink at least 8 cups a day or else you can easily become dehydrated. (diet soda is allowed too!)
  • Hi there! I'm new to the message boards but I am also on the Dukan diet and have over 50lbs to lose. I started the attack phase in the last week of May and stayed on it for 8 days. The veggies on day 9 were such a reward! I find it easy to stick to because you never have to be hungry! I absolutely LOVE bread and pasta but…