

  • Lunch: White Bean, Kale and Zucchini Soup My stand-by.. can get monotonous ..but at least it keeps me full and on track with the low cal and fiber Pretty basic-- onion, garlic.. add the above with some oregano , salt and pepper Breakfast: Baked apples 1-2 chopped apples with cinnamon, some raisins, maybe a few almonds...…
  • it might be a hard challenge for some based on that deadline.. for me a 1- 1.5lbs loss a week would frustrate and discourage me.. I need results to keep the motivation up. 10 lbs requires a dropping of 500 cal. a day, according to what Ive been reading.. for some thats a big chunk, for others its not enough because their…
  • I looked around a bit because I was thinking a deadline between 2 weeks and a month. From what I read you dont have to try too hard to do it in a month.. so that would be, I guess, an easy deadline? Or should it be more of a challenge? One interesting thing I read was a suggestion of burning at least 667 calories a day…
  • Ok! You're on! I can do ten now.. so its a good challenge!
  • Ill do it! I love planks! My PT just started adding in resistance bands for one arm planks while doing bicep curls with the other.. freakin hard!! I got to 8 reps per set on each side.. so if I increase 50%..er.....maybe Ill just look at the clock.
  • I was thinking more like using the ingredients you mentioned and making a sushi roll sans fish... low fat cream cheese, some fresh basil, add in some cucumber, carrot etc and you've got roll! Eatingwell.com had a ton of recipes to hide the veggies or eat them raw.. and of course there are raw veggie websites all over the…
  • Hmm, like ostrich from the farmers market...yummmmmm or that fab restaurant near the capitol square that has braised wild boar.
  • I noticed you like a lot of raw foods... maybe thats the ticket? you can do a ton with raw foods ( veggies) to make toppings to grilled meats and *gasp* carbs... if you make the switch to whole grain to increase your fiber.. you could make it work, so like whole grain pasta.. even making your own pasta to mix in herbs or…
  • ohhhh, when you said Penzeys , I thought, shes from Wisconsin!! I love Penzeys spices!! Miss home.. not now in this weather of course,.. but madison is such a foodie town !
  • Im game!! I just have broodies and babies right now, so I hope we can come up some a set of challenges.
  • This is SO true!!
  • smoothies might be a good idea if you can lesson the sugar content by adding coconut water. or a fake bananas foster with sauteed bananas and some vanilla extract ( its good, Ill hunt down the recipe)
  • actually the site had a bunch... http://www.eatingwell.com/nutrition_health/weight_loss_diet_plans/diet_meal_plans
  • I saw some menus on eatingwell.com to start with.. they had a 7-day plan, but suppose you could build off that. There must be more online somewhere. The juice heavy one at jointhereboot.com is pretty good... hard to keep after a week though.
  • I checked my LiveStrong app on my Iphone and its got Animal Care for large farm animals at 3.4 calories a minute farming, general animal care at 4.5 cal. a minute , baling hay 6.0 cal a min, chasing livestock 2.6 calories a min. , cleaning the barn vigorous 6.0 a minute ( same as cleaning a stall /corral) , forking bales…
  • Ive been thinking to cut dairy to help with my diet, but my fav is yogurt with banana or berries. Another recipe Ive been doing is to cut up and apple or two, or pears, with cinnamon and raisins, and either bake it or microwave it for 3 minutes until cooked through ... eating it plain or I guess you could add yogurt to it.…
  • Great website! Thanks for sharing!!
  • yummm! great recipes!! Carrot-Cashew Curry...hmm, wild rice pancakes with mushrooms and goat cheese... yummm.. ok, Im hungry now!!!
  • Ive been trying to use the menus off jointhereboot which is heavy veggie based... and maybe add in some grilled meat of some kind or another or scrambled egg in the am.. but I realized I would be better off just making a huge pot of veggie soup and living off that for a few days. Im finding its hard to get a lot of…
  • Hi Im Hilary, Wehrlegirl on Coth. For most of my life Ive been fit and active in a variety of sports including riding since childhood and martial arts starting in college. Over the past couple years I gained a lot of weight due to work and a difficult end to a marriage. Ive been working on getting back into shape for the…
  • I was thinking about the Paleo.. I think they promote it through Crossfit, my only concern was I tried the South Beach diet when it first came out and I gained 10 lbs... I think too much protein. I just did my daily intake and there was a lot of protein.
  • I also have a skewed idea of what looking good, or being a healthy weight means. When I competed in collegiate Tae Kwon Do I was obsessed with calories and weight so I got very unhealthy and trained like a crazy person.. then when I stopped, nothing could keep the pounds off. So I try not to get caught up into weight but…
  • hmmm.. it would be a heck of a motivator! I would like to know what works and what doesnt. The 2lbs a week plan on this site seems really slow and discouraging.