Bigfla Member


  • I had been using it for recidivistic failed calorie counting since 2011. My current streak is 2170 days...since July 2018, when I was diagnosed with T2D. I read The Obesity Code by Dr Jason Fung and discovered why calorie counting can't work (it was obvious already, but I didn't know why). I got into low carb/intermittent…
  • So you haven't read Dr Fung's books then? You might learn something if you did! Also, he's a consultant nephrologist with a clinic in a poorer part of Toronto. He has seen thousands of patients over the years that he can probably divide into 2 categories. There are those who take his IF/LCHF advice and survive, and those…
  • OK, ccdragon, apologies for the assumptions. It looks like you're a fellow sufferer. No hard feelings, I hope. I've looked at your links, they all seem to come from personal trainers offering their services. I don't think any of them have read The Obesity Code, at least not the same edition we get here in New Zealand. I…
  • Thanks, ccdragon, lemurcat and snickerscharlie. Sorry, but I get very tired of your kind of feedback and the arrogant assumption that you're an expert and I'm an idiot. I have been fighting overweight for more than 50 years. I assure you, as night follows day, that CICO doesn't work having suffered its disappointments many…
  • Check out The Obesity Code and The Complete Guide to Fasting by Dr Jason Fung if you want to understand what the whole IF thing is about at the physiological process level, and why when you eat is as important as what you eat. I've been following Dr Fung's advice for the last 27 weeks, to include IF and low-carb/keto. My…
  • Discovered Dr Fung a couple of years ago. Yep, it works, absolutely, it can't fail because it explains how obesity works as a disease. That is its point of difference over the fairy stories that have been promulgated for decades, and continue to be, of course. For example, having been off the wagon for a couple of years,…
  • HI Kevin, Thanks for your post. Good to see feedback from our side of the gender divide. I agree with you 110%. I started with MFP on 1 Jan 2012 and had instant success by simply following what MFP "told" me to do having loaded my goals. After a trip back to the UK in March I got real picky about using MFP every day so…
  • Hi, I hope this helps, I've lost 28 kg (62lbs) in 10 months. MFP is the single most important factor in how at age 65, I am lighter than I have been for 50 years...and I feel great!. Indeed there have been periods in the last 10 months when my weight has plateau-ed and I've been despondent; I'm just coming out of a three…
  • Mmmm, OK, but I think you might be confusing cardiac conversion, or even overall bio mechanical efficiency with total energy dissipated, so you are complicating the issue. Both these conversion efficiencies must relate to a whole raft of physiological parameters. The laws of thermodynamics make it pretty clear that energy…
  • Hi, I can't quite see how a heart rate monitor does anything another than measure your heart rate. Tells you something about aerobic performance but not anything worth knowing about energy dissipated. And it's energy dissipation and efficiency we're interested in here coz that's the principle that MFP is based on. To…
  • Hi, I reckon a smartphone is essential to make MFP work over time, to the extent that if you haven't got one, do what it takes to get one! Don't fall for the belief that smartphones are too hard or "not for me". All it takes is patience and an understanding that the people who designed the thing aren't any smarter than the…
  • Nike + for an iPhone, Garmin Fit for while you walk/cycle/run, maps to Google remembers where you've been. Enjoy. And HealthCalcs for a good info...
  • Hi, Sorry I've no idea who Jillian Michaels is or what a 30 day shred is supposed to be; sounds a bit quirky for me...30 days, eh...mmmm....might want do the old reality check... Two things here, first is how you record fitness, second is how you measure exercise. I have included in my list of measures in my MFP site, my…
  • I dunno, not really. Recently I caught up with a friend I went to school with back in the 1960s. He had some photos of us then, as 12 years olds...I'd say we were the same weight, more or less. Difference is he was 6' 2" built like a bean pole, I was 5' 2 and built like a barrel. So I don't really buy into this stuff about…