chixdrag2 Member


  • You are right - I WANT to believe that I am in control - I hate making excuses because I know that I'm the only one in control of my body and that's why this is so frustrating to me!! :(
  • haha this is so true, but they don't have a forum for the rest of it! lol
  • Is that true??? I was wondering about that! I would love to believe that there's an actually physiological reason why I feel so hungry around my period - good to know!
  • Someone asked me "Are you dying? Why'd you get so skinny???" Then there are the people that,instead of going "You lost a lot of weight, you look great" they just say "You lost a lot of weight..." Not sure how to reply to that. I wouldn't say "thank you" bc it doesnt sound like a compliment. What is the correct answer to…
  • If it's not something you normally would do, I would think your friends knows this about you and are just chalking it up to a good 21st birthday celebration - no worries, it happens to the best of us, love! :) happy birthday! <3
  • I go to PF, and have for almost 2 years now and while I do love it there, I can definitely see where there are some things left to be desired. They are great if you are just starting out or if you are on a budget (like me!). They have plenty of cardio machines and decent weight machines - even a few hammer strength…
  • Stress relief!!! Oh and also to look good - lol - you can lose plenty of weight just watching your diet, but I don't want to just look skinny - I want to look strong!!! I lift things up and put them down, and feel badass doing it! ;)
  • hey i'm awesome at giving nudges! he can add me if you want! :)
  • I would definitely take a look at your breathing - that is a problem that often gets overlooked. You're so focused on the workout you forget to breath properly. I often find that even if i'm focused on my breathing I tend to pay more attention to the exhale than taking deep breaths in as well and then I will feel…
  • That is a great attitude to have...this is your life you're changing and you don't need to put a deadline on it...just learn whatever you can and enjoy the journey! Try something new and if that doesn't work adjust it! :)
  • Congrats on the weight loss, you seem really motivated and that is a good thing! But your deficit does seem really general a 500 calorie/day deficit is sufficient for fat loss without too much muscle loss...and I think you could also focus more on weight training and less on cardio. Cardio is a great tool for…
  • My in-laws just did a "cleanse" where you eat nothing but fruit the 1st day, veggies the 2nd, fruit and veggies the 3rd, bananas and milk the 4th, beef and tomatoes the 5th day and so on...I asked them what they were supposed to be cleansing and what the theory behind it was and they were like "I dunno I just wanna lose…
  • My advice is to use dumbbells bc they are the most versatile and you can really work so many diff muscles in the arms with is def a great tool for finding ideas on what exercises there are out there and proper form for doing them! That being said, remember that your diet will have a whole lot more to do with…
  • Why is everyone so judgy about this? LOL, I go to the gym in the evening after my daughter goes to sleep, so usually my hair and make up are already done...I'm not going to take my make up off and mess up my hair just so I won't be considered a "gym bunny". I know I'm about to work my *kitten* off and focus on MY workout,…
  • Hi, I'm fairly new to myfitnesspal too, but it's def a great way to track your diet and exercise and hold yourself accountable. I've lost about 75 lbs over the past year and a half and I've found that Facebook and Youtube have been great resources for me - is great and he makes awesome low calorie…
  • I find that the goals that myfitnesspal set automatically for me were a little off, so don't go religiously by those numbers! It told me that I needed 1200 cal a day but the more I stuck to that the more I stayed the same. I think that number was too low and sending my body into starvation mode by slowing down my…
  • Before I leave for the gym, I go over the new exercises that I would like to try so that they are fresh in my mind. And if I'm afraid I'll forget one, I use the notes section in my phone to remind me. Try adding just a few new exercises at a time so you are not feeling overwhelmed and really focus on what muscle group you…