The HOT mommy at the gym debate



  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    always have make up on, most days I am going right from work, so its already there, but I will put makeup on to go to the gym on a saturday or sunday... I will also put it on to go to the drug store. I just dont leave the house without a little something... the only time I will leave the house is if its for a run..... I leave the gym dripping sweat and not so cute, but I go in looking cute.. :)
  • Ok so I really think it is not necessary to get all done up to go to the gym but if that's what makes them feel better, then I am fine it with...HOWEVER...they should not wear ANY perfume!! I cannot stand when a girl gets on a machine next to me or even just walks by my machine while I am working out and she has sooo much perfume on I can taste it. That is not necessary and is very inconsiderate in my book. Makeup and perfume really have no place in the gym :)))
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i do the majority of my work outs at home. at night, after my kids are in bed. so no one sees me a mess unless i photograph it and post it on Facebook, LOL!!!

    i do not leave my house without make up. i will leave my house with my hair in a pony tail. but, i prefer to have showered and have my hair down.

    so, if i am going to the gym, i do have make up on. and my hair is usually up in a pony tail.

    i will NOT dress up to go to the gym though.

    i work out at lifetime fitness and people are pretty serious about working out. you don't see a lot of socializing outside of the group classes or bootcamps. at least i never see that when i'm there. there is a lot going on there though. during the summer there are MILLIONS of hot mommies by the pool with their kids and THEN you see them almost all dolled up! there are some seriously sexy women that are moms at my gym.

    i don't judge though. to each their own. i'm sure that people think it's odd that i wear make up to the gym. but, i don't leave my house EVER without it on. so.
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    I used to go to the gym straight from work so sometimes that meant I had on make up. Howeever my gym clothes were always the most wrinkled of anyone in the gym. I just used to ball them up and throw them in the bag. That was what I was most self conscious of. But now I work out from home mostly and have seen awesome results, probably because I am not focused on my wrinkled
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Ok so I really think it is not necessary to get all done up to go to the gym but if that's what makes them feel better, then I am fine it with...HOWEVER...they should not wear ANY perfume!! I cannot stand when a girl gets on a machine next to me or even just walks by my machine while I am working out and she has sooo much perfume on I can taste it. That is not necessary and is very inconsiderate in my book. Makeup and perfume really have no place in the gym :)))

    THANK YOU!!!!!! It's hard for me to breathe when perfume mommy gal or cologne papa is next to me when I'm trying to jog.
  • jsmith81515
    jsmith81515 Posts: 9 Member
    They're conducting sociology experiments. They're not there to work out...they are there for the attention. They want the looks, and are testing the men to see what works to get the attention. DUH!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    always have make up on, most days I am going right from work, so its already there, but I will put makeup on to go to the gym on a saturday or sunday... I will also put it on to go to the drug store. I just dont leave the house without a little something... the only time I will leave the house is if its for a run..... I leave the gym dripping sweat and not so cute, but I go in looking cute.. :)
    ^^ This, exactly (except I'm probably not cute to start out with, but I *am* made up a bit)
  • chixdrag2
    chixdrag2 Posts: 19 Member
    Why is everyone so judgy about this? LOL, I go to the gym in the evening after my daughter goes to sleep, so usually my hair and make up are already done...I'm not going to take my make up off and mess up my hair just so I won't be considered a "gym bunny". I know I'm about to work my *kitten* off and focus on MY workout, so it doesn't matter what other people think about it. It really shouldn't matter how you come into the gym...what matters is what you do while you're there. I usually go by the saying "If you still look cute at the end of your workout, you didn't work hard enough".
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Hot mommies know you're annoyed by them, and it cracks them up. That's why they're hot ;p
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Okay...not only are HOT mommies annoying so are the 15 year old girls with perfect bodies who come in the gym with barely there shorts on and tank tops (no bras) and BARELY workout while all the men stare at them in hopes of seeing up their shorts. And they are always in a pack of 3 or 4. Ughh.
  • kimmydear
    kimmydear Posts: 298 Member
    Not a gym-goer here...workout at home or outdoors. However, in the past I was guilty of dropping kids off at school in my pajamas. That all changed the day I locked myself out (long key had been taken off my key ring for someone to use) and I had to drive to my husband's work in rush hour traffic to get his house my pajamas. He was kind enough to meet me in the parking lot, but about a not hot mommy!!! ;-)
  • Ok so I really think it is not necessary to get all done up to go to the gym but if that's what makes them feel better, then I am fine it with...HOWEVER...they should not wear ANY perfume!! I cannot stand when a girl gets on a machine next to me or even just walks by my machine while I am working out and she has sooo much perfume on I can taste it. That is not necessary and is very inconsiderate in my book. Makeup and perfume really have no place in the gym :)))

    THANK YOU!!!!!! It's hard for me to breathe when perfume mommy gal or cologne papa is next to me when I'm trying to jog.

    Hear hear! I already struggle to breath with my allergies I don't need that as well.