The HOT mommy at the gym debate

ninerbuff Posts: 48,698 Member
So while working out at the gym with a client (who is in very good shape and very pretty), she commented on a group of females (in their 30's to early 40's) that were wearing full makeup, perfect hair, tight clothing and laughing up a storm with the 5lbs dumbells while working out. Her comment was "don't know why these hot mommies always try to one up each other everyday when they come to work out". Apparently everyday (I don't see them everyday) they compete with each other on who can look the best at the gym. My client busts her *kitten* (and it shows) and doesn't give a damn about how sweating and beat up she looks when working out.
She gets that they want to look nice, but failed to see why at the gym they had to portray being a hot mommy. Personally I like looking at hot mommies, but do most females feel this way about other females in the gym?
Oh and for the hot mommies who try to look perfect at 7:00am in the morning just to drop off their kids, the kids have been telling me that there's no need for their mommy to look hot just to drop them off.

Can't wait to hear the replies on this.

A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
IDEA Fitness member
Kickboxing Certified Instructor
Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    In. And eager to read replies.

    Great post Niner.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    This is about to get interesting :)
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    I've actually wondered that as well and I'm wondering if women pay attention to this as much as I think they do. (Seriously, you can't miss the ones who are out to impress, i.e. wearing designer shades to the gym, etc.)
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    I am one that will look sweaty and rough at the gym.
    I have seen girls, and know girls, that get done up to go.
    I think it's silly, personally. But it doesn't really bother me. I mean, I'm there for my own business, and they aren't interfering with what I'm doing.
    Plus sometimes it makes me giggle.
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    I try to focus on me not them. But maybe they should be at Starbucks instead.:tongue: I hate it when they talk during class or leave before the class is over....but again it needs to be all about me...right!!!???:happy:

    You need something fun to look at while you're working so enjoy :wink:
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    I very rarely pay attention to other ladies at the gym. I usually come in with make-up and nice looking hair, but that is because I see people that I work with there, I usually have class and other things going on, and it is more convenient for me. I lift, but rarely sweat enough that it will run into my eye makeup :P

    I think it is silly that they are competing with each other, but hey at least they are working out a little and not sitting on the couch right?
  • katie133
    katie133 Posts: 210 Member
    Im not one to get all dolled up for the gym.. You just sweat all of your make up off anyways, and end up looking extra nasty..

    that being said, i think if someone does want to get all cute for the gym, who cares? If they're spending their money to have the thrill of being looked at by some buff men at the gym, let them be. Although it can be funny to look at sometimes, i try not to pay attention to what everyone else is doing. I think most are focused on their work outs..
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    BUMP. I have a friend who does pageants, not a mommy, but she looks really good when she comes to the gym, it's just her habit. I think even the people who wear just regular old clothes and pinup their hair still have a modicum of interest in their appearance as I do, so I guess to each their own.
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    I see some moms at the gym that look great, but I go to the Y and we are just happy to get some time without the kids, so there aren't really any mommies that do the whole makeup thing where I go. There's one woman, she looks great, I always admire her togetherness! I think she looks great and would love to see other moms struttin' their stuff too!!! It's always fun to watch and something to strive for!

    I, for one, as someone else put it so aptly in a post a while back, am a hot mess when I leave!!!!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    I am hot !!!!

    I edited your post a bit to fix it.

  • astroub
    astroub Posts: 289 Member
    Lucky for me I guess, I do all my working out at home! I get nasty and stinky which wouldn't bother me in the least if I had to do it in front of others.... but, if I did go to the gym, I just wouldn't pay any attention to the hotties nd maybe I would be an inspiration to them! Eventually, maybe lol
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    Well, if they're HOT, they must be doing something right with those 5lb dumbbells right??
  • tinkerpuppet
    tinkerpuppet Posts: 40 Member
    I work out at home, before my shower/hair/makeup, so can't comment on 'gym mommies'. But when I leave the house (to drop off kids at school, go to the park, go grocery shopping, whatever), I always take the 5min to throw my hair up in a cute bun and 5min to put on some quick makeup. Why shouldn't I look put together just because I have kids? Also I'm lucky, my husband feeds the kids their breakfast so I can have that little alone 'me' time. When I take these precious minutes for myself, I feel better and definitely am more productive during the day. If I look sloppy, I feel sloppy.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Personally, I don't care what others do as long as they are not disruptive to my own workout.

    For me, 30ish (and heading to 40) has been a difficult time. Long gone are the days of youthful beauty. Maybe they dress themselves up because they just need to feel beautiful for themselves (not others) and being there like that is helping them. It's hard to know why people do the things they do, but maybe they have a reason other than showing off.
  • missym357
    missym357 Posts: 210 Member
    I think people who complain about pretty gym bunnies need to mind their own business. If looking nice gets you into the gym and working out then good for you! What do I care if someone looks all dolled up at the gym? And if you have friends at the gym great! And if you look nice even if you max out at 5 lb hand weights, well...that is wonderful!!

    I frequently shower, fix my hair and have makeup on before I go to the gym. I have a life before I work out, then I work out, get dressed and go on with my life. I really hate having to get ready after working out because it delays my getting on with the day. I also like to feel pulled together from the start. It works for me.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I usually do my hair and make up before going to the gym. I even do it when I'll only be going to the gym and nothing else. I'll also put on jewelry, but nothing crazy that gets in the way. I still have to walk 5 blocks to the gym so I might as well look good doing it.

    I never notice anyone else because I'm not paying attention really. I go in, put on headphones and focus on my workouts, then I leave. I can't even keep count if I focus on anything else lol. Maybe I'm just slow.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I thought only guys did this???
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    I have a few friends whom I used to go to a boot camp with who would wear makeup (full out eye makeup at the very least) every single time... they were a trio of sisters, and they just could not leave the house without doing their makeup, even though we were about to go sweat it out and they knew that it would get sticky and runny. I asked them about it and they just said they couldn't leave home without doing it. And I know them well enough to know they really didn't care what other people thought- sides, it was an all ladies bootcamp, so no guys around to try to impress anyway.

    I don't do it myself- I very rarely wear make up anyway- but I understand that for some ladies, it's like leaving home without your clothes on. They just can't do it!
  • AislingRA
    I think people who complain about pretty gym bunnies need to mind their own business. If looking nice gets you into the gym and working out then good for you! What do I care if someone looks all dolled up at the gym? And if you have friends at the gym great! And if you look nice even if you max out at 5 lb hand weights, well...that is wonderful!!

    I frequently shower, fix my hair and have makeup on before I go to the gym. I have a life before I work out, then I work out, get dressed and go on with my life. I really hate having to get ready after working out because it delays my getting on with the day. I also like to feel pulled together from the start. It works for me.

    But does your makeup not run in the gym? And even if it doesn't surely it melts off with the steam in the shower. I do not understand how people work out with a full face on, I would feel itchy and icky all day if I did that. I couldnt give a feck what way people are in the gym btw, but I have always wondered about it when I see it!
  • fit4everyoung
    :flowerforyou: During the weekday, I typically leave work and head to he gym with make-up on and a ponytail. I like my cute looking gym clothes but I still get a sweaty workout and I work hard all the time (HRM 170!). On Sundays, I get up and head to the gym for pilates class which I seldom have make-up. Looking great at any age is my style! :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: