The HOT mommy at the gym debate



  • MommyFancypants
    MommyFancypants Posts: 20 Member
    OMG...I live in a weathy area (not that I am of course! LOL!) but there are quite a few moms who HAVE to be dressed in the most expensive workout clothes, hair done, makeup, nails perfect. I NEVER see them sweat. They get on the elliptical machines and SLOWLY move. I don't know if it's a competition to see who looks better while trying not to sweat but that is SOOOO not me.

    I think sexy is working hard, sweating and enjoying your workout. It's later when I am dressed with make up and hair done and ready to be pretty that the workout does its job making me look like a hot mommy!!
  • stephzub
    stephzub Posts: 106 Member
    I try to go to the gym when there is the least amount of people there because unfortunately, the hot glammed-up mommies in full makeup and expensive work out clothes (that they never even break a sweat in) make me feel even more insecure than I usually do at the gym. There have been more of them there lately at what used to be a quiet time so although I am paying for the gym membership, I have been staying home and working out in the dark, gloomy basement just to avoid “them” and feel less judged. If they did not gossip so much and do the laugh and point thing, I could probably block them out a little easier.
  • thekateb
    I personally think it is ridiculous to spend hours getting ready to go to the gym because you are going to get all sweaty anyways but if other women want to do that I don't really care. That being said I do like to at least have a little bit of make-up on and not look like a total distaster at the gym. The reason for this is that I do a lot of classes and I have to look at myself in the mirror for an hour...I don't really want to look at myself lookin' like crap!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I used to go to a gym but I don't anymore. I genuinely never cared what the other women looked like but there was one woman who wore SO MUCH freaking perfume that I could smell it clear across the room. I have asthma and that perfume seriously aggravated my lungs. That bothered me but her hair and makeup did not.
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    I don't know why women get so hung up on how other women look at the gym.

    I just turned 40. If I am leaving the house - before I go I usually - shower and do my make up. It's routine. I go to gym on my lunch hour or after work and don't wash my face off first since I will be showering after. I also try to coordinate my clothes so they match - all clothes - including gym clothes.

    Why shouldn't any woman look hot? You don't have to walk into a gym with a bare face and sloppy clothes to get a good workout. You don't have to wear make-up or match either. As long as you are there working out who cares? Women are just catty sometimes... and sometimes I think it's just a bit of envy.

    ^^ This.

    I look like I just rolled out of bed. all the time. I'm a little in awe of girls who look put together. If they can do it, and want to do it. Good on them. If the way someone looks makes you feel bad about yourself, and upset at them, really, it's you, not them. Girls are too flippin' hard on each other sometimes.
  • transfixedtoast
    transfixedtoast Posts: 89 Member
    I've been to a gym once in my life and it was terrifying because I am REALLY self concious, like really self concious.
    I spent an hour making myself look presentable because I knew that there would be people there, and I guess gyms always advocate this polished type of human, the perfect human who never sweats and is toned and good looking and I just wanted to fit in. I'm never going back.
    Too many people would have seen me and laughed.
  • marynificent
    marynificent Posts: 110 Member
    I look hot at the gym period. I lift heavier than everyone else there most days and that makes me fine as hell! I don't do it in make up though, but that is mostly out of laziness and apathy, not any particular commitment towards one way or the other. I only get pissed at gym bunnies (and there are male ones too!) if they get in the way of my workouts because they are using the benches to sit on or the smith machine to do modified girly push ups. If they stay out of my way and keep to the mirrors on the sides, then they could be there in a prom dress for all I care. More power to you!
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    I never saw a problem with women wearing make up to the gym... I personally don't usually wear make up at all but if I do, I don't specifically wash it off to go to the gym. I only wear eye make up and I don't sweat on my face unless I am running for a while.... like after 4 miles or so. So I don't even worry about it smudging or whatever. Guys stare at me anyway, I wouldn't want to attract anymore attention by wearing a full face of make up and doing my hair.
  • Scott_P
    Scott_P Posts: 95 Member
    I don't know why women get so hung up on how other women look at the gym.

    I just turned 40. If I am leaving the house - before I go I usually - shower and do my make up. It's routine. I go to gym on my lunch hour or after work and don't wash my face off first since I will be showering after. I also try to coordinate my clothes so they match - all clothes - including gym clothes.

    Why shouldn't any woman look hot? You don't have to walk into a gym with a bare face and sloppy clothes to get a good workout. You don't have to wear make-up or match either. As long as you are there working out who cares? Women are just catty sometimes... and sometimes I think it's just a bit of envy.

    ^^ This.

    I look like I just rolled out of bed. all the time. I'm a little in awe of girls who look put together. If they can do it, and want to do it. Good on them. If the way someone looks makes you feel bad about yourself, and upset at them, really, it's you, not them. Girls are too flippin' hard on each other sometimes.

    Boom +1
  • mikellsmom
    mikellsmom Posts: 51 Member
    I think it is ridiculous to come to the gym all done up... I go there to work out and sweat. The last couple of days at my gym there is a woman who comes in all done up with tons of makeup and fake eyelashes. The other day I almost fell off my treadmill when I looked over at her and her eyelashes where hanging off and she had makeup running down her face. I mean WTH!!! You are not going to the club you are going to th gym to hopefully push yourself to your limit and sweat your *kitten* off.....
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I'm not a gym rat but my first thought was maybe its just social hour to get away from the kids a gym is better than starbucks or the donut shop. My second thought was why would she care what others do or look like as long as she is working hard. Do it for yourself not someone else. iF it really bothered me I would introduce them to my trainer and encourage them to work harder.
  • dbenedit
    dbenedit Posts: 9 Member
    I don't really care what anyone looks like in the gym. This is "me" time. And I'm a sweaty mess when I leave. What I can't stand is the women at the gym who hog the machines for their conversations and are not moving a muscle on them, while I am not-so-patiently waiting to use them. I have no problem with talking AND actually using the machines at the same time. But do NOT just sit there to finish your conversation while others are waiting. Sorry. End of rant.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Whatever to picky women and whatever to the ones that try so hard to look "the best". Enjoy rechecking mascara for smears or glaring across the room; I'll be working out over *flex* there .


    Love the flex point. :)
  • destump
    The gym I am currently at doesn't have many women that come in with full make-up, but I've been to gyms where that is pretty normal. To each their own (which seems to be a resounding opinion). Although, for women that do wear makeup to the gym--it is extremely hard on your skin to be in full makeup 24 hours a day. If that choose that route, then so be it, but I will be there with no makeup, working up a sweat!
  • slayerdan
    As a person with education in psych, this really is a no brainer. I think its a waste to go to the gym all made up too, I truly do and its quite funny.

    However, people looking for affirmation from others or looking for a mate--whether long term or for the day--are going to go to where there is a good selection to choose from. Since there will be competition there, they have to look as good as possible. Birds do it all the time, as do other animals. And like it or not, the gym is a social place. I know several people at my gym.....whether from the sauna or the spin classes, I know people. Even the in shape people talk to eachother, same as the heavy lifters or the gaggle of eldeerly that inhabit the mornings---its social. So in all honesty its not all that odd that these women get dressed up more than they should to go sweat.

    On the flip side---I see men there all the time trying to out muscle shirt, out lift, out cardio the other guys there and do stuff in certain areas of the gym that puts them in direct sight of females----it goes both ways, we just dont wear make up.

  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I've actually wondered that as well and I'm wondering if women pay attention to this as much as I think they do. (Seriously, you can't miss the ones who are out to impress, i.e. wearing designer shades to the gym, etc.)

    Hey! I wear designer shades to the gym. But that is because they are prescription and I need them to get in the building. LOL

    As for the OP, I giggle to myself when I see the make-up bunch at the gym. My opinion is that you can look super hot or you can get a good workout, but you can't do both at the same time. I only hope they are actually working out at home because they aren't doing enough to benefit their health and fitness at the gym if they are trying not to sweat off their make-up. Unfortunately, I think the heaviest thing some of them lift is their make-up bag. But when they keel over from diseases related to not being fit, that'll leave all the hot, sweaty guys in the gym for the girls like me who are working on being healthy and fit. :laugh:
  • lucyholt1
    I don't really understand why people 'dress up' for the gym to be honest. I don't wear ANY make up for the gym, nor do I do my hair, just put it into a messy ponytail. Having said that, I'm not too fussed about what people think of me when I'm in there working out, maybe other people are?
  • sjwhite7
    sjwhite7 Posts: 86 Member
    I want to sweat! I want to know that I am doing everything in my power to look great and feel healthy. I don't wear makeup to the gym because I know it will be running down my face 5 min. into me being there. I feel empowered with a great workout and don't not care if anyone notices me or not. If coming to the gym and wasting their time doing nothing makes them feel good than I'm sorry that they are losing the benefit of what they are paying for. I for one want every single minute in the gym I spend count because that is what I am paying for.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I wish I had hot mommies to look at. I'm always the only one at the gym where I work out (it's at a firehouse, and 98% of the crew never exercise).
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    I think there's always women (people?) who can keep looking pulled together/cute/"hawt" while doing what they need to do and then there's folks like me who always have a coffee stain, wonky under-eye concealer (I put this on, no matter what, or people ask me OMG what's wrong?!?), random crap falling out of their gym bag, etc. I have thankfully never felt any Mean Girl crap coming from the more "beautiful people" but we tend to travel in different circles and most of the folks that go to the gym and don't work out, don't come before 5:30 in the that takes care of that. :)