

  • I was told by my weight loss doctor that I need to eat 1,000 cal per day. I have been doing this for a month and feel great. I have lost 23lbs in a month. I have a lot of energy and my mood is a lot better.
  • I eat a lot of negative calorie foods and snacks like: Apples Blackberries Canteloupe Cranberries Clementines Grapefruit Guava Oranges Papaya Peaches Pinapples Raspberries Rhubarb Strawberries Watermelon Asparagus Beets Broccoli Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Cucumbers Leek Lettuce Radish Spinach Tomatoes Turnips…
  • A women should not eat less than 1200 calories per day. I think you are on the right track. I eat 1200 per day and I have lost 18 pounds since Jan. 9th. I am a tad larger than you are, but it is the same principle. If your body needs 1850 to maintain current weight then if you take away 650 calories per day you should be…
  • Your body at its current weight need around 2500 calories a day to maintain curren weight. In order to lose 2lbs per week you need to burn 7000 calories a week. So by burning 1000 calories per day will give you the results you desire. So if you need 2500 to maintain then consuming 1500 per day without exercise would get…
  • I have the Zumba Party for Wii and you can burn up to 1000 calories per hour and its fun!!
    in wii ?? Comment by Jessnluv January 2012
  • I have had a really hard time staying away from Dr. Pepper! i am trying to train my taste buds to like diet drinks, but they are not appealing to me right now. I mainly am sticking to flavored water. First week off Dr. Pepper i had a major withdrawl, bad headaches and cramps. Dr. said those symptoms were normal and to keep…