joyciebear Member


  • I dont know if this dish is strictly mexican, but it's a family favorite (and we're mexican haha) brown some protein of your choice. usually pork or beef works best. add in some garlic and onions and brown them a bit toss in some diced tomatoes throw in some zucchini (i usually slice it into 4ths and then chop it into…
  • Try it again! Seriously! Also, let the wax cool before you use it. Stir the pot of wax around a bit so that you dont have extra hot spots of wax. The outside tends to cool first and the inside of the wax tends to head up the most/fastest when you zap it in the micro. I've made the mistake of using wax that's too hot, and…
  • sososososo happy for you! it is so uplifting to hear this! Congratulations! I'll be sure to send you lots of happy and positive vibes so that you may have a healthy pregnancy and baby! :) <3
  • Maybe you're pregnant. :)
  • Do you use any acne treatments like Accutane or Retin A? Also, before waxing, do you apply baby powder to keep a barrier between the wax and your skin? Acne treatments can make skin very sensitive and delicate. The powder helps the wax grip to the hair better, while keeping a barrier between you and the wax.
  • Finding out I had chin hair was a bit traumatizing. I was 15 and with my boyfriend's family spending a beautiful day at the lake. He leans over, grabs my face, tells me to "hold still" and with his fingers he yanks out a big, long, black hair out of my chin area. Trauma. I tried laser, but the hair came back. It came back…
  • First of all, don't take it personally! I don't think they were out to make you feel like the odd one out. Maybe the other friend didn't think you'd be interested in trying out the gym for two weeks, or piggybacking. Maybe they only gave her one pass? If it bothers you that much you need to assert yourself in a diplomatic…
  • The first question I have to ask is, why is it harder to track the calories you consume when you cook? It can be a challenge if you don't have the proper tools to measure your food. Is it harder to control your intake when you have a whole stove full of a meal to keep going back to seconds? If you have a food scale,…
  • birth control, metformin, diet, and exercise. My dr recommended a book called 40-30-30 fat burning. You're supposed to follow a ration of 40% calories from carbs, 30% from fat, and 30% from protein.
  • Time for you guys to find a new doctor! When I was 17 I was sure I already had it. The dark patches of skin, excess hair, irregular periods ( actually i didnt get a period at all. just once when i was 15) yet the pediatric endocrinologist I went to didn't want to give me the diagnosis. He didn't believe that I had excess…
  • I am hesitant to say I've overcome my eating disorder (bulimia). I've been bulimic for the last 13 years, and have been in and out of recovery for the last two years. There are times I still relapse but I try to get things in check asap because the longer I let things go, the harder it is to get back on the right track! If…
  • OMG! I'm nere here. My heart is touched and inspired by all you wonderful PCOS ladies! Ok I'm a bit on the cheesy side but it makes me so happy to see all you "cycsters" reaching out and supporting each other!! Weight isn't the only problem I have with PCOS. Excess hair! Ahhhh can we touch on that topic? Have any of you…