

  • At about mile 60 I didnt think there was any way I was gonna make it but I just kept trucking along and made it. I know my limits now for sure. Luckily it was a paved trail ride and they had it routed through towns to stop and refill drinks etc. I feel like I certainly accomplished something.
  • I got lucky w/ getting hit but oh well life moves on. I am more careful on the road when riding but still have a little bit of anxiety sometimes. Biking is still my favorite of the 3
    in New Guy Comment by nibert July 2010
  • The training is going well, I was training for it last year and was hit by a car in a cross walk on my bike. THat slowed me down and then after that I ended up with a stress fracture in spots on my right foot from running. I am doing a lot better since then, I picked up my bike in the middle of April and just finished my…
    in New Guy Comment by nibert July 2010
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