hoovhome Member


  • Don't quit, folks! Hang in there and keep fighting the battle daily. Choose a plan you can sustain for life and do it one day at a time. Let's get healthy!
  • Wagged. Hi, my name is Rhonda.....lol. I don't have time to post much, but I do have LIGHT exercise daily.
  • Ladies, I will try to check in more often, but I still agree with what I posted in February. I am still fine-tuning my protocol and fighting hard to beat breast cancer. Since I had to change everything in my entire life and this is all very time-consuming, I don't have a lot of time for online activities, but will check in…
  • I am successfully transitioning to a new lifestyle of eating. It is quite challenging, but I WIN with restoration of my health!
  • I am Rhonda. Married to Michael 10+ years. Age: 55 years SW: 217 CW: 169 GW: 139 or wherever feels best in the 129-145 range (another WW lifetime member gone bad)
  • The natural treatments are working very well.. ladies, I encourage all of you to have your D3 and hormone levels (ER and PR) checked in addition to a full blood panel. Ask what OPTIMUM numbers are for each item, not "averages" for your age and gender. Since there are few truly healthy populations anymore, I don't want to…
  • I added bloodroot-based salve to my natural treatment and am considering increasing the carrot juice. Some adults take up to a gallon daily in aggressive cancer fights. The tumor is shrinking and I have served eviction papers since this is MY body.
  • Three things helped lower my blood pressure, which was pre-hypertensive. 1: sleep apnea diagnosed and a CPAP at 10 lbs pressure, 2: cut out processed foods, 3: carrot juicing. My BP is routinely around 116/78. The indigestion went away at the same time. The emotional issues minimized, but didn't resolve until I removed…
  • Drinking 8 cups if carrot juice daily. Started additional measures to speed up process. Still at 179 pounds but not counting calories or macros. Where I struggle is getting in greens. The daily process of juicing, consuming requirdd supplements and getting in enough protein is taxing but I realize I am blessed to have the…
  • After consulting with my insurance, I rescheduled the bone density test for November 2. The oncologist was wanting to see me today, but I cancelled to reschedule at a later date. Ladies, the tumor is shrinking - with carrot juice and a clean diet. I cannot say that is the reason for the change, but it is the only thing I…
  • ....as I check off a goal, I will add a goal (or update a goal). :smile: Goal 1) 6 pounds and I will be back at the weight I was 3 years ago (179) Goal 2) 11 more pounds and I will be 35-40 pounds from goal range (168) Goal 3) 10 more pounds and I will be at my post-divorce weight (158) Goal 4) 13 more pounds and I will be…
    in Targets Comment by hoovhome October 2016
  • GOAL 1 - achieved! I am now at 179 and holding steady. There is something about crossing those 10 pound numbers that is liberating for me. I am hanging in there on the clean eating - not 100% clean, but around 95%. It is challenging when the whole household is not eating clean, but they are all making adjustments that help.
    in Targets Comment by hoovhome October 2016
  • A little late, but: SW: 217 LW: 181.2 CW: 179 Lost 2.2 pounds!!!!!!!!! That was over a 3 week period, but still hanging in there below 180 now.
  • Saw the oncologist yesterday for the first time. Will have a bone density test (different than bone scan) next Tuesday. She set a deadline for October 18th to make a decision regarding my treatment. Doing lots of praying, trying to laugh daily and limit communication to the positive minimum as there is a lot of pressure…
  • SW: 217 LWI: 182 CW: 181.2 Lost 0.8 lbs.
  • CT and Bone scans resulted in no metastasis detected, so I am reasonably assured the cancer is contained in the breast and one lymph node at this time. I will check in from time to time, but am staying off the computer and focused on my well-being.
  • I have to adjust my intake. With 6 cups of carrot juice daily, the rest of my diet needs a makeover to take the additional calories/nutrients into account. I didn't weigh today, but yesterday it was 181.2, which is 1.2 pounds gained from the last weigh-in.
  • Yesterday really sucked wind!!!!! :( The MRI picked up some lymph activity in the same breast, so they biopsied it. I will know tomorrow whether it is or whether it is not also malignant. My phone was blowing up all the way home and I just wanted to crawl in a hole and cry for a bit. So I cried and didn't answer and…
  • Wagged! I need this accountability - don't quit me, ladies! :smile:
  • RunningNeeNee, hang in there! I am a firm believer that nutrition is the answer to so many of our problems. My new mantra is "if the food does not GIVE life via nutrients then I will not eat it". You can do this - read up on foods that help lower blood pressures (onions...etc) but probably increasing fiber may help. In the…
  • Only 1.4 pounds from my first target. I know I can do this!
  • I so hoped to read my first goal this week, but at least I am still making downward progress! SW 217 LW 182 CW 180.4 Lost 1.6 pounds this week.
  • My goals have changed a bit - I appreciate life more. I always wanted to be my healthiest self - but now how that looks may be different that I envisioned. Healthy may include being lopsided. LOL. But it won't include any invaders!
  • Needle biopsy was relatively uneventful. I was sore - the 3 hour ride home was the worst part - but took regular acetaminophen and slept like a baby. I also take lots of tumeric, which is anti-inflammatory. Mowed the lawn about an hour last night when it was cool enough. I feel really great today and whatever this is - I…
  • SW 217 LW: 185 CW: 182...... LOST 3 AMAZING STINKING POUNDS!!!!!!!! Woooohoooooooo. :blush: Sorry, but I am really happy about this and needed to shout. LOL. Last week's gain had me down. I am 3 pounds from reaching my first goal.
  • Needle biopsy is set for next Wednesday. The doc doesn't want to wait for MRI approval, so this will be Ultrasound-guided. They are fairly certain it will be positive, but caught early enough to avoid chemotherapy prior to surgery. Ladies, I can't say I am happy about any of this, but God has guided me out of more…
  • Thanks, ladies. I keep saying I am through with my pity party, but maybe not. LOL. This afternoon, I got a call to schedule my needle biopsy for next Wednesday. My [new] general doctor met with me today and we are devising a game plan to boost my immunity and get ready for battle.