DawnieCurz Member


  • lol he must have got you mixed up with the samaritans !!! I hope he does phone back and let you know how he got on !!
  • Thanks all.. I have been doing the boxing, kung fu, step and free jogging... so will probably carry on with those.. also going out into the real world for a run tomorrow night... first time in years... :-)
  • Thanks all, I dont feel so bad about weighing myself every morning now. :-)
  • Thanks all for the adds.. you have motivated me to exercise today on the wii .. the first time in 12 months.. x
  • Im starting over today as well.. and have had a lot of new friends added today.. feel free to add me.. my new friends have help motivate me to do some exercise on the wii for the first time in 12 months.. they really do help !
  • I have just started doing the wii sport free run, only did 15 mins today but intend to gradually increase it daily.
  • Hi all I would be glad of some more friends.. I tried it last year , did it for a while and then it started to slide.. New profile this year and starting over, so please add me as a friend as I need all the help I can get !
  • Im with you Lawn.... I have been in denial for the last year about the weight that I have put on, and yes, I know ive not got a lot to lose, its still getting me down. Its the alcohol and take aways that are my downfall ! Here's to 2012 .... we can do it !!