

  • Thanks! I'll check it out tomorrow at a more reasonable hour. Don't know where you live but it's bed time in Britain. :)
  • That's a lovely bikini and I'd get that one but they don't have my size :( There are a few other ones on that website that are quite nice though. I see they have free delivery and returns but just reading the policy and it says "If you wish to return underwear, swimwear or any items marked with a + next to the product…
  • Oh, btw guys, I should've said I'm a student and so £30 for the top and bottoms is kinda my maximum price. I only make £50 a week so am a bit skint!
  • The only exercise I've been logging it walking (which is usually to and from work or college), cleaning, cooking preparation and the occasional dancing (usually whilst waiting for my dinner to cook). I've lost 11lbs so far and reckon you can lose weight without proper exercise (I define proper exercise as something you out…
  • Stress, being upset and being happy/carefree. Right now I'm revising for 4 exams and I just want to eat everything in the house and then the house. Also when I'm down I get like that. Happy and carefree is when I'm with family, friends or my boyfriend and just want to have a nice time not thinking about calories, just…
  • nhsoprano: quirky expression on your photo! :D
  • Sometimes when I find it really difficult to motivate myself to exercise or eat right I remind myself that it's not all or nothing. If you used to run marathons a 5 min walk is better than nothing. If you're guilty after eating a load of rubbish. Try eat a bit healthier tomorrow. A 'kick up the *kitten*' works for some…