Losing weight without excercise?



  • casy84
    casy84 Posts: 290 Member
    I've lost my weight without exercise and I regret it. Instead of being proud of my body and posting a success story I am now exercising/toning/complaining I'm skinny fat.
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    It's possible but it will be even harder.

    At the gym you can exercise off 600-1000 cals if you put in decent effort which is a nice amount of food to eat back of a day. Otherwise that's a nice big meal you will go without.

    When I was losing weight a few years ago I lost 4 stone over 6 months. A lot of that success was due to exercising off 1000 cals a day three times a week. If a hadn't been exercising it would have taken a lot longer and it would have been very hard to stay motivated indeed. What keeps you motivated is SEEING RESULTS. If the increments between those visual results is too long you're likely to give up. Also you're unlikely to stay toned if you don't exercise, and though you will still lose weight, you might have excess flab.

    TLDR; yes you can lose weight without exercising but it will be a lot tougher and you're less likely to end up as toned as you want.
  • Sul3i
    Sul3i Posts: 553 Member

    Bottom line is this. Weight loss happens in the kitchen, exercise is for fitness. You do not need to exercise but i would bet once you start losing weight you will want to.

    Eat what MFP tells you and you will lose weight even if all you do is take care of your house and kids.

  • babybl00310
    babybl00310 Posts: 75 Member
    Losing pounds is around 80-90% diet. Exercise will make you feel good and helps shape your body and will improve your fitness but it's not a necessary requirement. I find when I exercise I am a smaller size at a higher weight than if i rely on diet alone but even a little exercise every day will give you a little boost so the HIIT sounds like a good start to me.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Yes, you can lose weight without exercise. MFP includes the deficit based on your base level calories, meaning that if you ate the number of calories given, you should in theory lose weight. Weight loss DOES start by the foods you put in your mouth.

    HOWEVER - in my experience, losing weight without exercise does two things.

    First of all, exercising gives you the flexibility to be a bit more open with your calories - you burn 300 calories and depending on how it works for you (it's not the same for all) you can, if you want to, eat all/some/none of those calories back. It's having a little safety net, for me anyhow. I usually eat back some of my exercise calories but not all, simply because I don't feel the need to - but I know they are there if I want to dip into them (especially good if you have an event coming up). Not exercising means you don't have that safety net and whilst you should lose weight, it also means you are tied to a rigid number which can become discouraging.

    Secondly, weight loss is brilliant. If you've got a lot to lose, there is that age old question about excess skin and flabby bits. Exercise, and specific ones can cater to ensuring you have less flab and less excess skin - it's not a definite, but it certainly helps. The thing is, if you've got a young child, chances are you are running around and burning a crap load of calories looking after them. But even if you take 20 minutes out of your day to do some core exercises (it DOESN'T have to be cardio, weights, stretches, whatever works for you) it's 20 minutes more than normal. Routine building is hard but it is so worth it when you establish it. It also helps with fitness levels, should you wish to participate in activities as you lose weight/get to goal weight. And, it's a brilliant feeling - but it's important you find what works for you, don't do something you despise because you'll end up resenting it.

    TL;DR - Yes, you can lose weight without exercise - but exercise is encouraged.
  • alisonlynn1976
    alisonlynn1976 Posts: 929 Member
    I have in the past, but I've found that it's way easier to include exercise because then I can eat more.
  • Hughesers
    Hughesers Posts: 22 Member
    What you are eating is the main thing that helps loose weight. The exercise will help and best of all exercise is very invigorating and makes you feel great and every little helps even a brisk 1/2 hour walk every day with your baby. I am 44 this year and through exercise I am in the best shape I have ever been and feel pretty good. Good luck x
  • demarii06
    demarii06 Posts: 340 Member
    I've lost 60lbs and only the last 20 was I exercising. I was just too busy with two full time jobs.
  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    Hi...I lost upto 6 kg by controlling on diet...but from last 3 months not losing weight...i am also starting exercise now...Go slow as to manage Kid, Job and home together is not easy...may small n simple changes and make it part of your lifestyle...

    It will make things easier :)
  • sammirust
    sammirust Posts: 83
    i eat 1500 calories a day, and ive lost over 20lbs doing that. no work outs. i dont sit on a treadmill for hours a day, nor do i lift. i do bowl for about 3 hours a week, but thats about it- and thats not really a work out< <
    personally i dont think you need to exorcizer. it will take longer, and you will be a bit fluffy still, but you will lose the weight. working out helps your heart and tones you, and is generally just fun. you really should try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of light cardio a day, even if its just walking down the street, or swimming. :) good luck.
  • charlottelt1995
    The only exercise I've been logging it walking (which is usually to and from work or college), cleaning, cooking preparation and the occasional dancing (usually whilst waiting for my dinner to cook). I've lost 11lbs so far and reckon you can lose weight without proper exercise (I define proper exercise as something you out your trainers on for and wouldn't be doing anyway) as long as you're doing other things on your feet. I've found when dieting in the past that you do plateau however and the only way to really keep losing after that is to do proper exercise.
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    Why would you not want to exercise!?!?!?!?!?!??!

    She didn't say she doesn't want to! She is finding the time to do it difficult. Understandable being a working Mum :smile:
  • KatieBee8
    KatieBee8 Posts: 61
    I've lost 24lbs this year (so far!) and 18lbs of that was without exercise. However, my weight loss came to a complete standstill last month so I started exercising 4-5 times a week and managed to lose 6lbs this month.

    Weight loss is definitely possible without exercise but I personally think weight loss would occur more rapidly if you exercised too.

    I think it also depends on your weight and how much you need to lose.
  • bossyfairy
    bossyfairy Posts: 111 Member
    My mum has lost 3 stone by just eating less. That is the only change she has made (she claims she hates exercise but likes dancing / walking - I have tried to explain this one to her!!!) Its taken her about 2 years but it she's lost and kept it off. Nothing has been cut out, she is just eating less.

    (She was 15 stone and doesn't have any loose skin either - I know this is a worry for lots of people)
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    You can, of course. But working out makes it easier. It also makes you healthier. It really is something you should just make time for. Have time to watch TV in the evening? You have time for 30 minutes of cardio and/or moving heavy things.

    When it gets right down to it, we make time for what's important to us.

    this i always say you dont find time for exercise you have to make it
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is only 20 minutes a day, I am sure you could fit that in.
    In my opinion, exercise is very important to a healthy life style and having successful weight loss. You can do it just with changing your eating habits but you will look 10 times better for exercising along side that.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i eat 1500 calories a day, and ive lost over 20lbs doing that. no work outs. i dont sit on a treadmill for hours a day, nor do i lift. i do bowl for about 3 hours a week, but thats about it- and thats not really a work out< <
    personally i dont think you need to exorcizer. it will take longer, and you will be a bit fluffy still, but you will lose the weight. working out helps your heart and tones you, and is generally just fun. you really should try to squeeze in at least 30 minutes of light cardio a day, even if its just walking down the street, or swimming. :) good luck.

    i dont think sitting on a treadmill counts as workout anyways :wink:
  • godsgrl33
    godsgrl33 Posts: 307 Member
    When the baby takes a nap, do your exercise then! Pick up some weights or whatever you have to do to get it in. Now is the time.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    You can lose weight without exercise, but exercise helps things firm up and you can eat more - win win!

    I work full time and have kids, so my exercise has to break down into smaller chunks:

    Approx 20 mins aerobics/toning before breakfast (Rosemary Conley DVD)

    Walk to and from work (15 mins each way)

    Walk lunchtime (weather permitting) (15-25 mins)

    Wii zumba or more Rosemary Conley DVD before dinner - 20 mins to 45 mins depending on energy and time available!

    I also do one Zumba class (1 hour) each week which is my favourite!
  • Missyb322
    Missyb322 Posts: 145 Member
    Losing weight is 80% diet and 20% exercise. So therefore you can lose weight without exercising if you follow your diet well. The exercising is more for the toning, building muscle. So if you want to look toned after the weight loss, then exercise