

  • Banks, Thanks, I never broke it down so scientifically before. Sounds like I am litterally getting swoll. LOL. Thanks for the feedback everyone. I think I will start bi-weekly measurements to track goals. It does get frustrating when these programs say do this and do that, and eat this and take in this many calories and…
  • Thank you ladies. Your wisdom is noted and appreciated.
  • What did your P90X/Insanity hybrid look like? I am thinking about doing the same. Maybe P90X for strength days and Insanity for cardio days.
  • Just depends on your goals. For some people just trying to lose weight, 50% protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fat is the way they reccommend on phase 1 of P90X. They call it the fat shredder. That was a little hard to keep up for me financially. I just stick with a good balance 40-40-20 (respectively).
  • After doing the first DVD, it's definitely not easy. I should have ate more before I did it. Shaun T is pretty intense.
  • I'm not an expert by any means, but it would seem, to me at least, that if you are burning calories, you are probably burning fat. I'm not big on cardio in the form of treadmills and eliptical machines, but I've seen people burn upwards of 400 calories in 20-25 minutes. I'm pretty sure they are burning some fat. Calories…
  • Yeah, keep us posted. PS-I said 3k, I was corrected, it was a 5k.
  • I think I am going to start it today. I'm nervous, but excited at the same time. You have to remember, that though it is an extreme workout, you just have to give it your best. It doesn't matter if your best is 5 pushups or 55. If you push yourself that 5 or 55 pushups will become 10 or 100. My wife started running this…