

  • While bananas are widely known as "the potassium rich food" there are many other foods with much more potassium than bananas. For example, cantaloupe has almost twice the potassium as bananas. This is a great list to compare foods - its also nice that you can break them up by food category.…
  • While bananas are widely known as "the potassium rich food" there are many other foods with much more potassium than bananas. For example, cantaloupe has almost twice the potassium as bananas. This is a great list to compare foods - its also nice that you can break them up by food category.…
  • Look up the glycemic index and follow a low glycemic diet plan. The glycemic index measures foods' affect on your blood sugar - you want to eat foods with a lower glycemic load. This diet is highly recommended for PCOS patients. I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone but its worth a shot. Eating high fiber whole grains…
  • i tried one of the the new Starkist Tuna Creations at lunch today and it was really good! Very easy! (140 cal - 26g protein) 1 Pack Starkist Albacore Creations - Tomato Pesto (100 cal - 4g protein - 22 carbs) 1 Arnold Selects Multigrain Sandwich Thin (5 cal) Lettuce 245 calories, protein packed so its very filling!
  • I inherited naturally high cholesterol, so I use lower fat cheeses and yogurts to balance out the high (but healthy) fats I eat every day from nuts, eggs, etc - this is just what works for me, but you are correct, it may not work for everyone. There is a lot of research and many doctors are finding that following the…
  • FIBER, carbs, and protein... not fat carbs and protein. the protein included should be lean (almond butter, almonds, salmon, skinless chicken, beans, white fish, reduced fat cheese, reduced fat no sugar added yogurt, etc) if you google low glycemic recipes you can find lots of websites with different recipes. It helps to…
  • I just thought of something else... The glycemic index is also good to study because it tells you things about foods you might not normally think about -- for example... carrots and corn develop a lot of sugar when they are cooked, and thus move from low glycemic to high, just by cooking them. Figuring this all out is very…
  • I completely understand your frustration! Trying to lose weight while battling insulin resistance is extremely difficult. I've known I have PCOS since I was 16, and within the last year, have discovered helpful methods for dealing with it with the help of my trainer, who also has PCOS. The key to eating is to eat 5 or 6…
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