Battle With Carbohydrates

Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So I 'restarted' my MFP lifestyle about a week ago because I finally went to the doctor and found out new information. I quit MFP because nothing was happening and after about 6 months of trying my best and listening to (and trying) everyone's suggestions and watching others who were doing exactly what I was doing succeed, I just kind of gave up.

So I printed out several weeks worth of my MFP diaries and took them in to my doctor, all righteous and angry at how unfair life was. He flipped through them and started laughing. Apparently when my last doctor had diagnosed me with PCOS, he had failed to mention that the reason women had trouble with their weight was because of insulin resistance. He said that while I was doing excellently about my food choices for a normal person, for me - it just wouldn't do the trick. So he has severely limited my carb intake (down to about 1/10th of what I was eating).

My favorite foods are of course, all carb heavy but I have been diligent and stayed near to my goal every day for the past week. But I'm starting to feel really strange - like I need to have a piece of bread or some pasta. Its not mental, because I'm not even THINKING about food when it happens. I was giving my son a fruit cereal bar today and I almost popped a piece into my mouth. I don't even like his cereal bars! I feel like a crack addict, like I want to physically restrain myself from going into the kitchen for a saltine. Its also making me cranky and the family is complaining.

So, after that long-winded explanation - does anyone have tips or tricks to help with physiological carb addition? I'm sure I need to get my hormones back to normal after years of encouraging my habit, but how do I do that? Are there certain foods that will balance my insulin levels etc? I have another app with the doc in a month, but I'd really like a little advice until then!

*Quick note, I'd like to stress that it has nothing to do with how hungry or full I am or what I've eaten or done that day. Its just this ever-present annoying need to consume carbs. :ohwell:


  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    First of all congratulations on having a doctor who knows something about nutrition, and for doing so well for the last week :flowerforyou:

    What kind of carbs are you allowed to have? Are you eating them with some protein? I'm by no means an expert but maybe your blood sugar levels are a bit wonky? Eating carbs with protein helps to stabilize the blood sugar.

    You might also consider talking to a registered dietitian, just because you seem to have more complex needs. I'm an RN at HealthLink BC, but we also have dietitian services - you can check their website here: There may be some info.
  • Kmill217
    Kmill217 Posts: 204
    Just depends if you really want to lose weight! If you have a good reason then you will fund it within yourself to stay away! I have that problem too but I'm at the point where the only reason I want to lose weight is to look jacked but to me it isn't the most important thing so I find myself cheating a lot!
  • Look up the glycemic index and follow a low glycemic diet plan. The glycemic index measures foods' affect on your blood sugar - you want to eat foods with a lower glycemic load. This diet is highly recommended for PCOS patients. I'm sure it doesn't work for everyone but its worth a shot. Eating high fiber whole grains combined with protein helps slow the digestion and the absorption of the sugars, thus decreasing the increase in your blood sugar when eating.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou: I know how frustrating this is! :ohwell: I have PCOS too - this is the only diet plan that has worked for me in the past
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    First of all congratulations on having a doctor who knows something about nutrition, and for doing so well for the last week :flowerforyou:

    What kind of carbs are you allowed to have? Are you eating them with some protein? I'm by no means an expert but maybe your blood sugar levels are a bit wonky? Eating carbs with protein helps to stabilize the blood sugar.

    You might also consider talking to a registered dietitian, just because you seem to have more complex needs. I'm an RN at HealthLink BC, but we also have dietitian services - you can check their website here: There may be some info.

    Aww, thanks! I'm allowed to have carbs from meat, dairy and veggies. I'm supposed to avoid fruit because of the sugar content. I'm really picky about veggies - so its been lots of garden salads and green beans (but green beans have some carbs, so I can't have a lot). I'm also having to watch my fat content with all the protein my doctor wanted me to consume. He didn't mention fat intake, but it scares the heck out of me to see that number rise so fast on my food log! Dairy is the only thing I don't struggle with. I love me some cheese! :bigsmile: :heart: These are my recommended numbers of everything:

    Carbs: 20g/day
    Protein: 150g/day
    Fat: 50g/day (which seems really high!)
    Sugar: 10 - 15g/day

    I intend to find a dietitian as soon as it's in the budget :blushing: But I will definitely check out that website!
  • I'm in the same boat as you're in....and when I do eat like this....I drop weight fairly quickly!!! I've been doing VERY well the past few weeks, and although I have those same carb monster cravings that you describe....I just fight them off. I have just made the 'choice' NOT to follow thru with my's very important to me to get healthier, look and feel better....and it's a choice. I'm determined...but I struggled for years before I got to this point. Don't wait like I will be SO happy once you just make the choice and do it!!! I made the choice less than 2 months ago....have stuck with it (except for a 4 day trip and I did have too many carbs while vacationing)...otherwise I've stuck with it and I'm done nearly 25 lbs!!!! :wink:

    Also...thanks for sharing the info your doc gave you. Mine let's get it done!!! Good luck to you!!!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Sugarfreeme - Thanks so much for the suggestion! I will definately put some research hours towards a Low-GI diet and mention it to my doctor next time I see him. I love whole grains and normally eat a high fiber diet - I would love to be able to add some of those things back in! :drinker:

    Sassy - Its amazing what hearing 'you're not alone' can do for one's willpower. Hearing about your success really helps too! Weightloss is kind of like a fairy tale for me, since I've tried and tried (through the 'right' methods too!) and nothing has ever worked. I really hope this will do it. I'm motivated and dedicated - it had better work. :angry: :laugh:
  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    I recommend a book called "Magic Foods" from Reader's Digest. It has a lot of tips about how to slow sugar absorption from carbohydrates. Tons of great recipes. Offers a lot of healthy alternatives to common less healthy foods.
  • ALLEN --- never think you're alone!! And, once you start eating the new way with the low carbs and WILL see that scale moving and probably rather quickly too (I did and was shocked). But, I know it's a minute-by-minute choice for me. The Low GI index is awesome....and it's basically the low carb/GOOD carb thing...check it out! I know you'll have success....just be determined!!

    Kristi....I will look into that book, "Magic Food" also. I'm not familiar with that one, but sounds interesting!
  • sbennett23
    sbennett23 Posts: 35 Member
    I too have PCOS and Insulin Resistance and have to wach my carb intake. I basically eat meat, veggies and fruit (1 serving a day.) But, I have whole wheat double fiber bread at lunch if I want a sandwhich. If I want a potatoe I have a sweet potatoe with promise light butter and cinnamon. When we have pasta I use the Barilla Plus pasta. I only eat pasta every two weeks or so, if even that. I don't deprive myself when I want something but I watch portions. I try to watch my protein/carb ratio. I try to have at least 1gram of protien for every 2 grams of carbs.I did talk with a nutritionist who recommended a dessert night once a week. She told me to go to a bakery and get something instead of baking. This has been helpful for me but I find it hard to do since I love to bake! My weight hasn't come off fast but it's coming off so I'm happy with progress. I'm averaging about 1lb a week which I think is great. Good luck to you!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am on Atkins - making it through all 4 phases enventually and this is a permanent lifestyle change. I have PCOS, which in turn made me develop diabetes very early in life..............

    Green Beans are not bad for you!!! I eat them all the time.............

    Fat is not bad for you in the absence of carbs (especially the bad ones)...........fat and protein will keep you full and satisfied and you will no longer crave carbs like that...........

    I agree with your Dr somewhat in regards to the fruit thing. You should eat berries and melons they are lowest on the carb list and glycemic index.

    What other veggies do you like???

    I would suggest researching the different low carb plans, buy the book and stick with it. Your body will thank you later!!!!

    As previously mentioned, I like Atkins the best as for me it is easy to stick to and I buy local, organic veggies and fruits - which sustains my local economy. I also buy hormone free meats and eggs straight from the farm...............I try not to eat many processed foods at all.

    Try to eat as natural as possible..............If you want pasta, there is Dreamsfield Pasta, which is low carb and tastes the same as regular pasta.......

    If you want rice, eat brown rice, it is yummy.............

    Sprouted grain breads are very wholesome and minimally processed.

    Potatos? Bake a sweet potato and put a pat of butter and some cinnamon on it, absolutely divine!!
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Carbs are tough to kick, like crack, LOL! :laugh:

    I can lose weight pretty easy when I avoid bread, pasta, cereal etc. Cuz once I get eating that stuff, it's hard to stop! And I crave it all the time and wake up hungry even.

    My best meals are different combos of brown rice, chicken breast or ground turkey, steamed veggies, egg. Mixed salad greens with raw veggies & chicken. I feel satisfied and don't crave carbs. But the mental cravings are still there sometimes.

    So rye crackers, brown rice cakes, non-wheat things sometimes help. But the glycemic index may be better if a nut butter is added? Not sure, but it could work!

    You Go Girl! You're doing great! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    You guys are so great. Now I can't remember why I ever left! :flowerforyou:

    Sassy - I'm so excited. For the second time in my life I feel like I'm actually going to do something that works!!

    Sbennet - Thanks for the meal ideas! So excited to try the sweet potato one!

    Lioness - Thanks for the tips! I normally eat Fiber Gourmet pasta, which has a very high fiber, lower cal/carb content but I will look into Dreamsfield too! I love okra and parsnips but they are both very hard to find! I can stomach cucumbers and carrots, but I would eat them because they're good for me - not because they're tasty. I struggle because most veggies taste horribly bitter to me. Do olives count? Because I could eat black olives like candy... I do almost all of my shopping via the wonderful Trader Joe's, so my meat and eggs are all hormone free. And wow! So many more people than I would have thought have PCOS! I am actually trying to avoid diabetes (my doc says I'm surprisingly low risk) but I know it's much easier to stop it before you get to that point!

    Barbarella - I've heard so many people say that pounds just drop off as soon as they take steps to control their carbs a little better. For some reason, I was oblivious to this for like 21 years. I don't know why its only clicking NOW. Sheesh. :laugh:

    Thanks ladies! We are all going to do GREAT! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Allen.....I totally agree with leanlioness about's not bad for you....stick to good fats like avocado, olive oil, flax oil. almonds....the monounsaturated fats are GOOD for's the saturated fats that are bad for you. So...even though your doc said 50 g of's not bad at all if it's the GOOD fats. I'm doing it and losing rather quickly. she said....stick with the berries for fruit....lower carbs/lower glycemic index....and can't beat fresh strawberries!!! So're not can do this. I NEVER though I could do it....but I have....once I made the 'choice' to do it. Lost another 0.8 overnight!! It's going!!! You can do it too!
  • codykitty
    codykitty Posts: 729
    So I 'restarted' my MFP lifestyle about a week ago because I finally went to the doctor and found out new information. I quit MFP because nothing was happening and after about 6 months of trying my best and listening to (and trying) everyone's suggestions and watching others who were doing exactly what I was doing succeed, I just kind of gave up.

    So I printed out several weeks worth of my MFP diaries and took them in to my doctor, all righteous and angry at how unfair life was. He flipped through them and started laughing. Apparently when my last doctor had diagnosed me with PCOS, he had failed to mention that the reason women had trouble with their weight was because of insulin resistance. He said that while I was doing excellently about my food choices for a normal person, for me - it just wouldn't do the trick. So he has severely limited my carb intake (down to about 1/10th of what I was eating).

    My favorite foods are of course, all carb heavy but I have been diligent and stayed near to my goal every day for the past week. But I'm starting to feel really strange - like I need to have a piece of bread or some pasta. Its not mental, because I'm not even THINKING about food when it happens. I was giving my son a fruit cereal bar today and I almost popped a piece into my mouth. I don't even like his cereal bars! I feel like a crack addict, like I want to physically restrain myself from going into the kitchen for a saltine. Its also making me cranky and the family is complaining.

    So, after that long-winded explanation - does anyone have tips or tricks to help with physiological carb addition? I'm sure I need to get my hormones back to normal after years of encouraging my habit, but how do I do that? Are there certain foods that will balance my insulin levels etc? I have another app with the doc in a month, but I'd really like a little advice until then!

    *Quick note, I'd like to stress that it has nothing to do with how hungry or full I am or what I've eaten or done that day. Its just this ever-present annoying need to consume carbs. :ohwell:

    I have actually always found that on a low carb diet I always lose weight, even if I don't watch calories/fat. I have started to combine MFP and a low carb diet, and it seems to be working great for me. I always fall off the wagon when I travel or have out of town guests, I eat pizza, bread, pasta etc. It is amazing that after just a couple days of eating that way how crappy, tierd and bloated I feel. I find that when I go back to my healthy low carb lifestyle how energized and good I feel!

    I also have a family member with celiac and I have learned a lot about the negative effects gluten can have on your body. I personally find that if I eat lean meats, veggies, legumes and beans, I feel the best! I recommend reading The Zone, it has tons of great recipes and advice!

    As far as the addiction...if you follow a strict no sugar/no carb diet for a week, you will lose those cravings, I did anyway!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Allen.....I totally agree with leanlioness about's not bad for you....stick to good fats like avocado, olive oil, flax oil. almonds....the monounsaturated fats are GOOD for's the saturated fats that are bad for you. So...even though your doc said 50 g of's not bad at all if it's the GOOD fats. I'm doing it and losing rather quickly. she said....stick with the berries for fruit....lower carbs/lower glycemic index....and can't beat fresh strawberries!!! So're not can do this. I NEVER though I could do it....but I have....once I made the 'choice' to do it. Lost another 0.8 overnight!! It's going!!! You can do it too!

    Actually they are finding that saturated fats are not bad for you either, in moderation.................

    Here is a post from another topic on here under the food and nutrition category............
    Thu 07/16/09 10:13 AMI don't agree with the bad rap saturated fat is given in our modern diet. In fact, I'll go out on a limb and say the arguments surrounding avoidance of saturated fat and cholesterol are highly debatable and inconclusive.

    The bad rap ultimately should be given to trans fats, altered vegetable fats, and polyunsaturated fats.

    I don't know why so many people vilify real butter, animal skin, and hearty oils such as avocado, olive, coconut, and walnut. There is some serious evidence backing me up that moderate usage of these is SO much more beneficial than the use of PUFA oils.

    Read good calories, bad calories by Gary Taubes for a pretty solid viewpoint. Unfortunately, I think much of our "low fat" and "veggie fats" craze here in the US is what's ultimately killing us...
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Yesterday alone, I ate 78 grams of fat and was still under my daily goal.

    According to my Dr, I still don't eat enough fat.

    My ratios are as follows though:

    Fat 60%
    Protein 30%
    Carbs 10%
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have actually always found that on a low carb diet I always lose weight, even if I don't watch calories/fat. I have started to combine MFP and a low carb diet, and it seems to be working great for me. I always fall off the wagon when I travel or have out of town guests, I eat pizza, bread, pasta etc. It is amazing that after just a couple days of eating that way how crappy, tierd and bloated I feel. I find that when I go back to my healthy low carb lifestyle how energized and good I feel!

    I also have a family member with celiac and I have learned a lot about the negative effects gluten can have on your body. I personally find that if I eat lean meats, veggies, legumes and beans, I feel the best! I recommend reading The Zone, it has tons of great recipes and advice!

    As far as the addiction...if you follow a strict no sugar/no carb diet for a week, you will lose those cravings, I did anyway!

    Me too, I lose beautifully on low carb................

    And that is the GREAT thing about watching carbs, you don't have to count calories, you the the freedom to eat..............

    We as humans are NOT designed to eat grains, that is why so many people have intolerances to different grains..................we are meat eaters by nature.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Yesterday alone, I ate 78 grams of fat and was still under my daily goal.

    According to my Dr, I still don't eat enough fat.

    My ratios are as follows though:

    Fat 60%
    Protein 30%
    Carbs 10%


    Really? Huh... So why is it okay to eat fat if you are cutting back on carbs? Is it because you need to get your energy from somewhere? I find it really helps me stick to something better if I understand the science, what all is going on in my body when I eat certain things. You could just provide me with some suggested reading as opposed to answering all my questions yourself. I feel bad being so greedy with the knowledge! :blushing:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Yesterday alone, I ate 78 grams of fat and was still under my daily goal.

    According to my Dr, I still don't eat enough fat.

    My ratios are as follows though:

    Fat 60%
    Protein 30%
    Carbs 10%


    Really? Huh... So why is it okay to eat fat if you are cutting back on carbs? Is it because you need to get your energy from somewhere? I find it really helps me stick to something better if I understand the science, what all is going on in my body when I eat certain things. You could just provide me with some suggested reading as opposed to answering all my questions yourself. I feel bad being so greedy with the knowledge! :blushing:

    Yes, you are absolutely right...............

    The way I understand the science, is you can eat refined, low fat carbs OR Fat, but not both. When you eat both, is what causes you to gain weight............

    Me, I am so sensitive to refined carbs that I will gain even when doing low fat and low calorie...........

    So eating lots of fat keeps you full and satiated for longer and the fat converts to energy in the absence of carbs.............If you are eating a LOT of veggies and a little fruit and moderate protein and fat intake, you will have a lot of energy and feel great...........this will also convert your body over to a fat burning machine.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    There is a book called Eat Fat, Get Thin by Barry Groves.

    Also, I specifically do Atkins and the book is called Dr Atkins New Diet Revolution, 2002 version. It goes deeply into the science of low carbing and how it works for your body.

    Also, watch these You tube vids....................... (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)
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