

  • I love that at a local gym in my hometown there's a big red button you can press if comeone is grunting, dropping weights, etc. I never saw one person ring it; I'm guessing it did the job just being there. lol
  • Your post helps answer the question I had today. I'm thinking that my calorie goal is too low. I'm on my 8th day and have come in just under 1200 all but one day, and that one was 200 over. I know there's that danger of starvation mode but I figured since I'm so sedentary I'd be okay (weighed in this morning and have lost…
  • I'm 5'3" and about a year ago weighed under 110. It was the best I've ever looked, but I didn't get there with diet alone. At 5"4", I don't think that lower than 130 would be unhealthy if you feel like you want a few more pounds gone. I got there by eating only whole foods (nothing at all manufactured, only lean meats,…
  • Absolutely! I got down to my perfect weight and fitness then put on 20 pounds and lost all of my good habits. The problem was a change in thinking. I forgot that there’s no going back. Those changes you make to get healthy aren’t temporary. The only thing that truly works isn't "dieting,' it's changing your lifestyle…