When is enough, ENOUGH?

I have hit my goal of 130 lbs (I'm 5' 4" and an athletic build) and maintained for the last month or so. But now, I keep zeroing in on the jiggle in my thighs and booty and the little I have left on my tummy (which I can only pinch if I'm sitting down/bending over) and am tempted to try to take off 5-10 more. At what point does one no longer see what's in the mirror for what it is? Am I striving for an unattainable (unhealthy) perfection? I just don't want to be one of those women who is never content with their size, but I am seeing room for improvement. My fiance, of course, says I'm beautiful and perfect.... but that's his job to say that! ;-)

What do you use as a measure of what's healthy? When do you decide that it's as good as it's realistically going to get? Here's my thought - I'll reduce my calories back down to 1200 for a month or so. If my body doesn't want to let go of the jiggle, I can accept that it's meant to be there. If it does come off, I'll go until I plateau. Does this sound reasonable?


  • alglines
    I'm 5'3" and about a year ago weighed under 110. It was the best I've ever looked, but I didn't get there with diet alone. At 5"4", I don't think that lower than 130 would be unhealthy if you feel like you want a few more pounds gone. I got there by eating only whole foods (nothing at all manufactured, only lean meats, fish, low fat dairy (which is man made but with natural ingredients), fruits, vegetables and nuts. No sweeteners/sugar, nothing that came in a box, no alcohol. I also found fitness activities that I actually enjoyed (I despise gyms). I did sexy dance, pole fitness and intense workout classes with a friend (so there'd be someone to make me go on days I felt bleh). That's a tall order, but I didn't have to be that intense for very long. THe weight fell off. Once I got there, I was able to eat a little more and exercise a little less maniacally and I was happy until I fell back into my old ways. Now I have to start over. Hopefully I've learned my lesson.

    Long story short, if you want to be a little slimmer, there's nothing wrong with that!
  • stronglikebull
    You're on the petite side, I think you can safely take off 5-10 more if you want to and it's maintainable.

    BUT. For what you're describing it sounds like it's time to start doing some body recomposition by cutting body fat and developing your musculature. That will definitely help out your legs and tummy. Barbell squats will give you a perky, un-flabby butt. Hit the weights!

    And congrats on your loss so far :)
  • RissaDean
    RissaDean Posts: 189 Member
    I read on here once: eat better to look good in clothes, excercise to look good naked. Or something to that effect.

    Instead of reducing calories, try toning what you have, maybe with something like yoga or one of Jillian Michael's DVDs....either should help you tone up and reduce the jiggle.

    Good luck, and GREAT job so far!!
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    Maybe you need to refocus and think about some strength training. You can do countless hours of cardio and starve yourself but you will still have the jiggle. Its time to build muscle. I am 5'5 131 lbs. I am definitely not where I want to be. I don't want to be skinny fat. You need to eat a very clean diet and research strength training. At this point it isn't about the number on the scale. Go off of BF%
  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    i dont think you should focus on the scale number but instead your body's fitness. if your worrying about the jiggle, i completely understand. I dont like mine either, but instead of trying to just lose 5lbs it would probably be better if you focused more on toning. Put more strength training into your workout regime, to tightening up your leg muscles and your abs. The fat will be lost with this since muscle burns more calories than fat does anyway, so mixing in more strength with your cardio should give you what you want :smile:
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    And there is no such thing as toning :) Build muscle!