tabngillysmom Member


  • So sorry to hear that! What an awful thing to happen and just before a long weekend. I know how you feel. I injured myself with a Grade III hamstring pull the day after I picked up my new bike. Could not ride it the first 4 weeks I had it! On the bright side, at least he didn't just take off and not accept the…
  • Thanks for all your input ladies! My ortho doc just released me to resume normal activity after a nasty hamstring pull while running 3 weeks ago so I am going to get the bike out this afternoon and practice on a flat spot on our 2.7 acres and once I get the hang of pulling away I will move to the parking ot down the road…
  • Well, that makes me feel better. At least I am not alone! :happy: I am DEFINITELY a newbie and my hubby (who has been riding since he could pick up his sister's dirt bike at the age of 7!!) does not understand some of my fears and hesitations. But, I am determined not to let him push me faster than I am ready to go. I will…
  • My bike is a water-cooled 798cc parallel twin-cylinder.....does that make any difference?
  • That I think is my greatest fear Tina! That I will be sitting in traffic, kill the engine on a start and then some idiot behind me will run over me!!
  • Great Job! I am inspired and hope to make my first "long ride" in the next few weeks!
  • My full face helmet is a modular as well. In fact, all the helmets we own (with the exception of our back up full face) are modular. I really like the convenience of the flip up front and have never had problems getting them open or close. Of course I am sure, as with anything, you get what you pay for. Our helmets are…
  • I LOVE my mesh jacket! So much better when all the wind is flowing! After looking at my jacket I decided I want one that is a brighter color! I want to make sure that I am seen!! I saw the other day that Schubert has come out with high vis yellow and hi vis orange helmets! They are actually WAY bright!!
  • My daughter is 10 and has been riding with her Dad since she was 5. She has a full BMW riding suit and wears her full suit at all times. I do not give her the option of jeans. She also has riding boots, gloves and a full faced helmet. My hubby has been riding since he was 7 years old and has had a street bike since he was…
  • I am with you! My entire family (hubby, oldest daughter and even the 10 year old!) rides in FULL gear everytime we get on the bike. Fullfaced helmets, summer or winter jackets with spine and elbow protectors, at the very least blue jeans (but reinforced riding pants when it is cooler), riding gloves and steel toed over the…
  • Melissa 43 Paducah, Kentucky 2 girls (17 & 10) Married My first (and only bike) is a BMW F650GS.
  • I think that is a great compliment!!
  • It is great to meet everyone and I am so happy to see so many women that ride. I really only have one friend that rides and she took the safety course with me so she is as inexperienced as I am. My 17 year old daughter also took the course with me but the only thing she has ever ridden are dirt bikes. I live in Paducah, KY…
  • Glad to see another Kentucky girl! I was up your way a couple of weeks ago for my girls' state tumbling competition in Morehead! Melissa
  • So glad to see I am not the only one that rides in full gear all the time. I value my head and body too much to not protect it! Melissa
  • Not sure which course you are looking into but I can't say enough good things about the Motorcycle Safety Foundation Courses. They are very thorough with their class time and we actually spent about 9 hours on the bikes over the 3 day course. I found it easier and less intimidating to be in a class with others who had…
  • Thanks Louisa! I loved the Yamaha 250 that I used during my 20 hour safety course it handled great and wasn't intimidating! I know that you are enjoying yours. I live in Kentucky where, with the right gear, you can ride all but a couple of months (not keen on riding on ice or snow). Hubby and I are planning a trip to the…
  • I made sure that I bought a GS with a lowered suspension. I am vertically challenged (only 5'4") so having a bike that I could comfortably step was the main reason that it took me almost 2 years to research and find the bike I wanted. Melissa
  • I just bought my first bike a couple of weeks ago! I have ridden for more than 20 years on the back and guess I am having a mid life crisis and wanted my own. I ride a 2012 BMW F650GS. My husband has a 1997 BMW R850R and we love to ride. I am with several of you on the fact that I am really nervous about riding on my own.…
  • I agree with the above post. I would log it as "cleaning, light to moderate effort" you should be safe with the amount of "extra" calories it gives you for whatever amount of time you log.
  • I am 5'4" and started at 202. My goal weight is 145, because at that weight I am actually a size 4/6 depending on the clothes. Even at my current weight of 194.8 I wear a size 10 jeans and a large top. I am definitely an hour glass shape. So, everyone is different and we all carry weight differently. The most important…
  • Hey there! My name is Melissa. I am 43 and I joined almost 3 weeks ago. Tomorrow is my 3rd weigh in! I have 2 VERY involved girls (16 & 9) and work a stressful job. I have yo-yo's my weight my entire adult life. I am a SERIOUS emotional eater and my weight seems to skyrocket with any life crisis. I am working on it. My…
  • I live in Paducah, KY. Would love an "accountability" buddy to have on here. I have my daughter who is trying to lose a few pounds (she weighs 132 and is dropping a few pounds before prom), but that is about it. I just signed us up as a 2 woman relay team for the Iron Mom Half Marathon on May 12th!! We may be crazy, but…