

  • Thanks. I do understand that part. Let me explain better what I mean. Today my target says 2430, my actual is 2159. Then when I go to the drop down menu where it says calories burned per minute, it says calories burned, 1705. Where is that 1705 number coming from? I feel so stupid. Sometimes I think when things are easy,…
  • Well here's an update. Today is the first day in a week that I didn't gain, I didn't lose either. I'm the same as yesterday. I have to say I'm satisfied it didn't go up. I've had a hard time increasing my calories last week because I'm so used to rationing everything I eat, but I figured I'd go for it. Looking back at my…
  • I haven't really change my diet much, just adding more calories now. I eat very healthy, but before to maintain my weight of 121/122 I'd have to live on protein bars for lunch. If I ate anything else, I'd gain. I know I most likely lived below 1200 calories or a little less. I'm tired of eating like a bird, and I always…
  • I weigh myself every morning at the same time, I won't even take a sip of water before I get on the scale! In December I thought maybe I'd try every few days, but I ended up gaining about 3 lbs. because I wasn't keeping it in check. For me, I need to have an idea everyday. I'm also working on eating my daily allotment of…
  • I'm in the same boat as you. I just started tracking my calories about 4 days ago because I've gained 3 pounds since Thanksgiving. I did the HCG diet 2x in the last year, in October 2011 when I finished it, I was 119.0. I ended up maintaing around 122.0, which I was fine with. We went to Pa. And NYC for Thanksgiving and I…
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