jpmerc423 Member


  • Great start. One of the reason's it works is that it can be done with far less sacrifice than other diets. After four months, in fact, I don't feel deprived at all. I am rarely hungry and I no longer crave any of the stuff that is not paleo. This will hopefully allow you to stick with it for the long term (perhaps…
  • Check out the pho recipe here... There are a lot of ingredients so it takes a little planning, but you can make a large batch and eat it for a week or two. It's amazing and the bone broth is very healthy.
  • Love the double order of chicken on top of the salad. Most places these days will do it (and not kill you with the price). Add avocado or guac and you can go easy on or even skip the poor quality salad dressing they likely serve.
  • I counted every bite in January, then went free form in Feb and March. I started counting again in April because I have a goal I want to reach by June. I have come to believe: Paleo + No Counting = Easy maintenance or modest fat loss / maintainable indefinitely. Paleo + Counting = More rapid fat loss (easier and with far…
  • Whole food is always better. That said, protein powder is just about the only processed food I am taking at this point because I often find it difficult to get the 150g or so of protein needed to preserve muscle mass while metabolizing fat. I am currently doing 16/8 IF (intermittent fasting - all your food in an eight hour…