

  • I stared my challenge today. Week 1 Day 1 Pushups 8-8-4-4-6 for a total of 30 Week 1 Day 1 Squats 8-8-5-5-7 for a total of 33 I also decided to add in the Sit-ups. I did the initial test and I was able to do 33. I will start day one of the Sit-ups on Wednesday. :) I'm excited!
  • I did my initial test last night.... Pushups 0 **Rank 1 or 2 Squats 15 Rank Average **I have a question about the pushups ....I was not able to even do one "good form" push up..but when I did the test again with using the "knee" pushups I was able to get out 8. So which rank should I use for the challenge and I am assuming…
  • I am going to try this. I will take my initial test this evening. :)
  • So I'm a dork and forgot to add a welcome (which was the whole point of replying) to everyone. So welcome and let's do this! lol!
    in Hello :) Comment by KatW71 May 2012
  • Good Morning Everyone, Well I have started, stopped, started, stopped...it's a vicious circle that I am going to try to end today. Of course today wasn't the greatest way to start with Starbucks, but now that I have seen the evil that it can cause, I plan to ditch it. I have been trying to lose weight for a long time. I am…
    in Hello :) Comment by KatW71 May 2012