I_Owe_Myself Member


  • This is exactly why I came to this board a second ago! I'd be up for having an accountability partner. Is there anything in particular you're looking for?
  • This may be a bit odd but bring a little bottle of mouthwash to work. If you get the craving for something sweet, take a good swish of it to (hopefully) destroy any yumminess that the baking may have if you indulge. Make sure it's something STRONG so that it completely overpowers your tastebuds and will make everything…
  • Did his inability to perform coincide with your injury? Was there anything else that happened around the time you two stopped being intimate? Just to play the devil's advocate for a moment, perhaps it really isn't your weight that's affecting him but something else that he doesn't recognize. Sometimes people jump to…
  • The office is a really tough place if you're surrounded by foodies. We've got a lady at my office that loves to bake and is quite exceptional at it. On weekends she normally bakes four to eight different desserts and brings them to share with all of us. In addition, the little table right out side of her office (and very…
  • A few close but no exact matches! Age: 32 Heigh: 5'6" SW: 210 CW: 203 GW: 150