A Dieter's Worst Nightmare.



  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Chew gum if you can (not sure if it's considered sanitary if you're doing the baking) so your mouth is busy.

    This is what I was going to suggest. Can you keep gum in your mouth while you work?
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Okay I don't like the word "diet", but I couldn't think of a better word.

    Remember on The Biggest Loser, when they locked the contestants in a room with junk food as torture? Well that is my life. I work at a bakery, surrounded by cheesecake, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, lemon bars, pecan bars, pie, cinnamon rolls, coffee cake, muffins, etc.

    6 HOURS A DAY, 5 DAYS A WEEK!!!!

    You'd think being around it all the time would make me not want it. FALSE. Every day is a battle. It's so easy to eat a cookie here, a broken piece of a brownie there, "oops this cupcake isn't pretty enough for the display, I better just eat it", taste-test the icings, and so on and so forth. By the end of my shift I've probably just had 600 extra calories, more if I caved and had a slice of cheesecake.

    I've been working on my willpower... but it's just so HARD. I lost 20 pounds between October and December, and then I found this job which I LOVE, and it all went downhill. The last 3 months have been disastrous. I want to get back on the wagon, but being at work is like being in a torture chamber.

    I need tips, ideas, and motivation for how I can survive work and learn to "turn off" my desire to eat every piece of sugar in sight.

    Oh my!! I love bakery goods and sweets! If it was me, rather than totally abstain from any sweets, I would allow myself a small sensible portion everyday and that's all. I would make sure I logged it and that it fit into my calorie goal for the day.
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    I love the gum idea! Thanks, guys. My workplace is very casual, I'm allowed to chew gum, and have a beverage with me, and snack on the job (which is why it's been so easy to eat all the sweets!)...so these suggestions are great.
  • sarahg148
    sarahg148 Posts: 701 Member
    I think once the novelty of it all wears off you'll be fine. In the meantime, eat a big breakfast with a lot of protein and healthy fats to keep you full. THEN, chew gum all day long! Then drink water water water...even iced tea or coffee. That's what I did. I worked in a chocolate shop for YEAAAARSSSS and managed to not gain weight. Good luck!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    How about setting aside a box as previously selected, but also or just include in it everything that you would have legally been able to eat (a piece of broken brownie or broken cookie for example) and not tell yourself that you can't have it, but that you can't have it now.

    At the end of the day, set aside what you'd like to eat then, or after dinner, or for breakfast the next morning, and that fits in your calorie goals. Then, either give the rest away to someone who would appreciate it, like the homeless shelter, or if it's not worth that, like a tiny piece of stale cake, just throw it away.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Okay I don't like the word "diet", but I couldn't think of a better word.

    Remember on The Biggest Loser, when they locked the contestants in a room with junk food as torture? Well that is my life. I work at a bakery, surrounded by cheesecake, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, lemon bars, pecan bars, pie, cinnamon rolls, coffee cake, muffins, etc.

    6 HOURS A DAY, 5 DAYS A WEEK!!!!

    You'd think being around it all the time would make me not want it. FALSE. Every day is a battle. It's so easy to eat a cookie here, a broken piece of a brownie there, "oops this cupcake isn't pretty enough for the display, I better just eat it", taste-test the icings, and so on and so forth. By the end of my shift I've probably just had 600 extra calories, more if I caved and had a slice of cheesecake.

    I've been working on my willpower... but it's just so HARD. I lost 20 pounds between October and December, and then I found this job which I LOVE, and it all went downhill. The last 3 months have been disastrous. I want to get back on the wagon, but being at work is like being in a torture chamber.

    I need tips, ideas, and motivation for how I can survive work and learn to "turn off" my desire to eat every piece of sugar in sight.

    Look for another job -- right now!!
  • I_Owe_Myself
    I_Owe_Myself Posts: 5 Member
    This may be a bit odd but bring a little bottle of mouthwash to work. If you get the craving for something sweet, take a good swish of it to (hopefully) destroy any yumminess that the baking may have if you indulge. Make sure it's something STRONG so that it completely overpowers your tastebuds and will make everything taste like listerine (or whatever brand you pick).
  • chels0722
    chels0722 Posts: 465 Member
    Honestly..... Get a different job. I understand you love this job, but if it is detrimentall to your health, it is not what is best for you in the long run.

    While I have considered this, it's not exactly an option. I'm in college. For a college student with no degree, jobs that pay well above minimum are extremely rare. If it came down to it, I'd choose being fat over finding a different job and being broke. Plus with no degree, I'd probably end up at a fast food place with the exact same problem. :smile:

    I completely understand trying to find a decent job while going to school. Well I wish you the best of luck with this one. If finding another job isn't an option, I would chew gum and sip on water all day. I eat much less when I am full with water. Also pack some healthy snacks. Nuts like almonds, cashews, and such are nicely filling and you can eat them easily like candy :) they are definintely my favorite kind of snack!
  • Elegra2006
    Elegra2006 Posts: 144 Member
    One thing that I read that helped me stop eating chocolate during lent, was that instead of saying to yourself 'I can't eat that' say 'I don't eat that'. I don't know why but it worked for me, perhaps the first way of thinking makes it sound like denial whereas the second is a choice?

    Also, I think the idea about collecting the goodies that can't be sold and giving them to charity/a shelter is a fantastic idea, I really hope you can do that one.
  • LizN63
    LizN63 Posts: 129 Member
    Before you go to work, clean your teeth really really well, floss, and use a strong-tasting mouthwash. (I think this is a variant of the chewing gum idea.) Not only does it make the taste of sweet things horrible, but it is good for you oral health too. You can take a small bottle of mouthwash with you so you can use it after lunch and it'll take you through the afternoon. Drink ice cold water, I find that helps too :-)
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    When I was younger I worked at a Bakery and then Haagen - Daz. It was really hard. I chewed A LOT of gum .I think that the Donation Box is a great idea! Make sure it's not see thru.
    I don't think it would have helped me with the Ice Cream - it just went on my thighs - sigh.
  • goombasmom
    goombasmom Posts: 70 Member
    I have a hard time with snacking at my work. I try to brush my teeth in the afternoon, after my second break- that is usually when I cave into the evil vending machine. When your mouth tastes like peppermint, it's kinda icky eating something sweet and sugary...

    Plus, I try to remind myself have much I would have to run to work off the calories. Is that 200 calorie cookie worth 2 miles of running? Slice of cake worth your gym workout?

    If you can't donate the broken/imperfect baked goods, here's another suggestion. I know this might seem super wasteful.. How about throwing away the broken cookies/crushed cupcakes in the trash- like right away? That way, you won't be tempted. Don't even give it a second thought, just DO IT.

    I love baking and fresh baked goods.. so, I feel your pain! Good luck!
  • amyljl77
    amyljl77 Posts: 43 Member
    Allow yourself one cupcake/tastetest/brownie per day and then find an exercise you like to work off the calories? That way you're not torturing yourself, you do get to have a treat but you're still burning off the calories. I think that approach is more realistic than abstaining.
    Sometimes what works for me is, instead of thinking about how awesome that brownie/cupcake is, think (very graphically) about what it does to your body. Actually picture the nasty cellulite congeeled on your thighs/butt and think about how every bite is bringing you closer to diabetes and blackened amputated toes. It sounds a little drastic but it works for me! ha.
  • DancesWithBirds
    DancesWithBirds Posts: 25 Member
    That would be hard! I usedto work in food service, and you're right: its way too easy to just eat some of the food you're surrounded by. I also have a huge sweet tooth, and managing my sugar intake has been painful for me. We spent a lot of last year living with my in-laws and there was always tons of Twinkies and Oatmeal Pies and things to eat. Some things that have helped me:

    1. Manage your blood sugar by eating 4-5 small, balanced meals per day. This has helped me dramatically cut down on cravings.
    2. I eventually had to get to a point where I mentally labeled food as "not mine". I'm big into boundaries, so once I started thinking of food as belonging to someone else, it changed a lot of things. Food is mine if I bought it myself, made it for myself, or if it was given to me. If I wanted a Twinkie I had to go out and buy my own, which was a deterrent.
    3. I will often plan my meals at the beginning of the day and pre-log them. This helps me plan my calories, but it also helps me avoid getting over hungry and snacking too much or even binging. I have found that if I don't do this, I will sometimes try to skip a meal or lunch because I don't know what to make for myself, then later when I'm hungry I end up just reaching for whatever is fast and available.

    I love the ideas about putting it in a box and giving it to someone else! The last time my MIL sent cupcakes home for the kids (I have two kids who don't need 12 cupcakes!) we gave them each one then hubs took the rest to work withhimin the morning and gave them away.
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    I really like the donation box idea.

    Maybe create an incentive program for yourself? Every time you avoid the sweets for all six hours, you contribute a dollar to your reward jar. Every time you indulge, you take away a dollar. Once you have enough, reward yourself with a beautiful, smaller dress or workout outfit.
  • k916and
    k916and Posts: 27 Member
    Wow, this takes occupational hazzard to a whole new level! You are avery brave girl entering a bakery on a daily basis. Sweets are my downfall so I tend to try to avoid them all together. I occasionally indulge on one item without any guilt. I find that when I don't eat sweets daily they actually taste better when I indulge. Sometimes I find that the sweetness is even too much and I don't finish it. My advice to you would be to bring a huge container of water with lemons, mint, cucumbers and sip on that. I find drinking that reduces my cravings for sweets. Also be prepared with meals so that you don't make bad decisions. Have gum handy, preferably mint, also reduces sweet cravings. Lastly pick on treat per week and indulge, we are human and it's all about moderation.

    When all else fail remember that nothing tastes as good as being healthy and thin feels!! Good luck!
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    Cash jar based on hours - I think that is a fabulous idea! I have to say this forum has shown very smart, creative replies.
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    You guys are awesome! Excellent ideas!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I worked at a bakery for about a year (well, two different ones. French ones. Delicious LOL). Seriously, get a new job. I love sweets and no, the novelty doesn't go away. The only positive is that you're on your feet all the time, and often running left and right, so you burn more calories during the day. But heck, I'm very motivated right now and I still don't think I could do it again.

    Try what people suggested, but the bottom line is you'll have to decide if you like your health or your job more.
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    Honestly..... Get a different job. I understand you love this job, but if it is detrimentall to your health, it is not what is best for you in the long run.

    While I have considered this, it's not exactly an option. I'm in college. For a college student with no degree, jobs that pay well above minimum are extremely rare. If it came down to it, I'd choose being fat over finding a different job and being broke. Plus with no degree, I'd probably end up at a fast food place with the exact same problem. :smile:

    I am AMAZED no one mentioned BRUSH YOUR TEETH!! before work , on break , when you go to the restroom , etc...
    sweet stuff never tastes as good after a good tooth brushing! oh , and its not bad for you .. and i would use either the clove or the natural strong mint ( think toms of maine)
    gum is probably Verboten..
    but what about grab a quick Altoid, mint or cinnamon ??